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  1. ashalee

    Make a sentence with 6 words

    sorting orange rabbits takes everyone's dedication! LEMONS
  2. ashalee

    Make a sentence with 6 words

    ahhh! living ice! everyone needs sunscreen! this took way too long to come up with BOBCAT
  3. ashalee

    Why are the icecream machines never working at McDonald's?

    fake news!!! its because of a very serious McDonald's curse... duh!
  4. ashalee

    Any Chance for A elite rank transfer

    Heya! Unfortunately this is the wrong place for this thread, feel free to file a support ticket here! - a staff member will be able to assist from there :D
  5. ashalee

    colors, and how we perceive them!

    OMG he explained it literally perfectly. now that i look back, im pretty sure ive seen one or two of his videos mANY years ago but was never a true follower of his stuff... im officially invested and am going down the rabbit hole of his videos
  6. ashalee

    colors, and how we perceive them!

    yooooo! searching it right now omg, i gotta see this
  7. ashalee

    colors, and how we perceive them!

    i don't, i actually don't think ive even watched any his videos before either
  8. ashalee

    colors, and how we perceive them!

  9. ashalee

    colors, and how we perceive them!

    HI FRIENDS! its me, back at it again with the random thought posts oh boy, here we go again anyway-- color! everything has a certain color, but how each and every one of us perceives certain colors might be different than you think. we are taught that this color is red, this is blue, this is...
  10. ashalee

    Creative Complaint (Again)

    hihi! i totally agree that another way to earn mana should be implemented since we do not currently have /cow. i've put through a couple suggestions, some of which are increasing scrambler rewards to at least 5-10+ mana and that they occur more often. hoping /cow is added soon, however there is...
  11. ashalee

    How do you think?

    dang! you caught me hallow
  12. ashalee

    How do you think?

    hello fellow ManaCube community members! because everyone always has a different answer to this question, im curious to see what y'alls answers are! we all think, right? if you don't think, you're like-- not human ive recently wondered how other people think, since i think in a specific way...
  13. ashalee

    Staff vs Players

    25 what if im also an elite? : )
  14. ashalee

    Manacube can finally be in good hands

    +1,000,000 from me!
  15. ashalee

    July 2021

    congrats to everyone! y'all awesome fr fr
  16. ashalee

    you are. sus !

    you are. sus !
  17. ashalee

    About Warlord!

    i agree, war is amazing. not only at minecraft but at league too : ) #WarForAdmin
  18. ashalee

    The Merge

    when people get super high grades on creative such as A+, it can get a bit boring, especially when the last reset was over a year ago. there's nothing to really work towards when you've progressed super far/as far as you can go! hope this helps :D