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  1. Oliver8747

    Semi-break thing monster creature?...

    'people who love on minecraft..... dacon y u put /marry XD
  2. Oliver8747

    Leveling Up Your Skyblock Island

    how much is lvl/ it doesnt say anything in the list =P
  3. Oliver8747

    Leveling Up Your Skyblock Island

    wait, i placed an ig spawner did /is level and my is lvl boosted up by like 50 tho XD
  4. Oliver8747

    Another Suggestion

    maybe dacon will add a way to toggle the donor price on/off
  5. Oliver8747

    i was banned for no reason

    my friend should be muted for spam XD
  6. Oliver8747


    i met a person w/ the same problem. also my friend redstone farm thingy wont work, hope fully my moomoo AND baabaa farm wont die
  7. Oliver8747

    Died upon getting online

    exactly how i died while trying to place a slime spawner, my game crashed then i died. also its not sometimes while u are flying its when you are flying above the void w/ nothing under u
  8. Oliver8747

    What is going on with animals and hoppers?

    YOU WHAT???!!
  9. Oliver8747

    Slime Spawns (Advice Wanted Pls)

    use /seed, idk why but that cmd works. then go to a slime chunk finder. put da coordinates and seed in (i cant spell sry) and then find the slime chunk on ur is
  10. Oliver8747

    this guy here abuses lemons but lemonade is good so its ok to crush SOME XD

    this guy here abuses lemons but lemonade is good so its ok to crush SOME XD
  11. Oliver8747

    The Best ManaCube Ships

    stop w/ the gay/lesbean ships XD also, Daddeh Dacon x Maddeh
  12. Oliver8747

    Forum Game: Rhymes

    In this game we all have to create rhymes! After every 10 rhymes, staff are allowed to change the ending. Do not use words like orange and spaghetti because we all know that we can't find rhymes to them. The game is pretty simple, everyone will probably get it by now. I'll start: Play ;)
  13. Oliver8747

    Forum Game: Add on!

    Bread, ham, chocolate, cheese, cookie dough, oreos, doritos, peanut butter, sprinkles, caramel, ice cream, bacon, nutella, human meat (df drakey), custard, fried chicken, strawberry jell-o, pickles, sausages, and...... carrots!!!!111!!
  14. Oliver8747

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for starting the quisha thing.
  15. Oliver8747

    dat song stuck in my head now ;-;

    dat song stuck in my head now ;-;
  16. Oliver8747

    Forum Donator Rank

    rank: vip/legend ign: Magical_Mine
  17. Oliver8747

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for being anonymous. Also banned for banning me.
  18. Oliver8747

    "i want to throw you out just like my broken tv" wow, thta song really touched me there XD

    "i want to throw you out just like my broken tv" wow, thta song really touched me there XD
  19. Oliver8747

    Parkour And Glitch/hack

    falling down and flying back are the results of lagbacks, no one is actually hacking
  20. Oliver8747

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    banned for crushing lemons XD