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  1. Tas

    Accepted Im gonna try this one more time.. Colgate-Medium

    Hey Annie, glad to tell you your map has finally been accepted. As has been said before, the theme is original and the build is decent (I still think the Colgate isn't great, but I know it's a big part of the build so it's fine). The parkour is a lot better now, it fits the map well. However I...
  2. Tas

    On Mapcrafting | A Guide

  3. Tas

    Accepted Im gonna try this one more time.. Colgate-Medium

    Alright, let's not get any threats going here. No need to go any further.
  4. Tas

    Accepted Im gonna try this one more time.. Colgate-Medium

    Not necessarily. On her previous submission, I encouraged her to resubmit her map with a few changes.
  5. Tas

    Post your last Ctrl + V
  6. Tas

    Rejected WIPEOUT!

    Hey MCBYT, sorry to tell you your map has been rejected. The theme is pretty original, since there aren't really any maps with similar theme. However the build is pretty plain, like how it's made almost completely of wool, I understand it's like the WIPEOUT course but maybe you could have build...
  7. Tas

    Rejected City - Medium

    Hey IcyFox, sorry to tell you your map has been rejected. The build is decent, it's attractive but a bit plain and obviously there's nothing on the other side of the walls. The theme is unoriginal because there are already a lot of city-themed maps, and even one called "City" (City). The...
  8. Tas

    Rejected AquaticTemple - Easy

    Hey Gamers, sorry to tell you your map has been rejected. The parkour is good, it's a good length for an Easy map and the parkour is fun. The main problem is the build and the theme though, the build is not good, it's just a big box. Remember that with your other maps the build (in particular...