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  1. Hallowqueen

    Leaving Manacube...?

    I’ll always be available if you need to chat! Take care - I think this break will really, truly benefit you. You deserve some time to yourself. ManaCube will always be your little virtual home, and the community will always be your little virtual famallamadingdong. <3
  2. Hallowqueen

    Would you rather?

    I’d definitely go to prison for a whole week, no questions asked! Olympus is my favourite gamemode and the best server on ManaCube after all ;) (I have found a loop-hole, and I’m sticking with it!)
  3. Hallowqueen

    no elytra

    Hey there! Could you get proof that you claimed this, and attach it onto a support ticket? Even a screenshot of your /Gary menu! An admin should be able to assist you:
  4. Hallowqueen

    Goodbye Aether (Manacube)

    It was great playing alongside ya, PG! Good luck with your future endeavours, I do hope to see you around now and then however!
  5. Hallowqueen

    No ban list?

    Hello, We used to have a public infractions list, but it has been down for quite a while. Whether it’s intentional or not, I’m not sure - however, punishments are typically for staff discretion. Have a nice day/night. ~ Hallowqueen
  6. Hallowqueen

    Staff Application Guide!

    Hello, It’s great that you’re creating a positive and informative guide to help players who may be interested in applying for staff, however... When it comes to staff applications, we like to look at how players do independently, (which is why we don’t link to the application sub-forum -...
  7. Hallowqueen

    Inf. Chest

    Usually when server resets/new season releases are announced, Dacon will also list items that can be carried through to the next season. There aren’t any resets planned publicly any time soon though, especially for Skyblock.
  8. Hallowqueen


    Closing this thread again, as it’s more unnecessary spam. //warned
  9. Hallowqueen


    Closing this thread as it’s unnecessary spam. //warned.
  10. Hallowqueen


    Locking this thread as it is unnecessary spam. //warned.
  11. Hallowqueen

    I lost my home base D:

    Hello again, IceJellyIce believes he found your claim, but you weren’t online when he tried to bring you to it. Can you just confirm your IGN, and I’ll tell the factions staff to look out for you to bring you to your claim, or I can try do so myself later on.
  12. Hallowqueen

    Disappearing melons

    Hello again, I’d really urge you to report issues in our support ticket section so they can be handled appropriately, rather than just to boost your post count. I will pass this thread on, but in future please use the correct section as sometimes staff can miss threads, whereas tickets are all...
  13. Hallowqueen

    Halloween Crate Suggestion

    Hello, This suggestion should now be viewable. Usually for holidays there will be themed crates and sometimes Events hosted by the events team - so keep an eye out for those during Spoopy Season! P.S... All my money will go towards crates if there is a title like the one you suggested. Hahaha
  14. Hallowqueen

    Why thatguy should get unbanned

    His punishments aren’t up for public debate - He’s a big boy, he is and should be responsible for his own behaviour. He decided to abuse helpop minutes before the ban was about to be lifted; then he continue pushing boundaries on the forums. No one else is to blame for his actions...
  15. Hallowqueen

    Plot chat

    Don’t be rude... it’s not the players’ fault the filter doesn’t censor plot chat, how were they to know? The only player I see that took it a tad too far is Myochi - but at most they’d just be verbally warned. Settle your kettle, petal. <3
  16. Hallowqueen

    I lost my home base D:

    Alrighty, I’ll pass this on to a member of factions staff as I’m currently unable to hop on. I hope this gets resolved shortly!
  17. Hallowqueen

    I lost my home base D:

    Hello, Do you remember the last block you placed/broke there, and possibly when?
  18. Hallowqueen

    Plot chat

    Make meaningful, helpful posts as opposed to spammy, unnecessary ones <3
  19. Hallowqueen

    Plot chat

    Hello, Thank you for bringing this up, I’m unsure if it’s intentional or not, but I will pass this on. In future, please report bugs/issues here: Edit: Plot chat isn’t meant to be filtered, so this isn’t an issue as long as it isn’t abused. If players...
  20. Hallowqueen

    Teleportation Exhaustion

    Hello, I completely understand your frustration. I’m personally unsure if it’s intentional or not, considering it has been disabled on other gamemodes like Olympus for example. Incase this is intentional, I’d urge you to post it as a suggestion to Feature Upvote...