Search results

  1. Xerablade

    Rejected Akamaru (Hard)

    Thank you for your review. Here is the picture I used
  2. Xerablade

    Rejected Akamaru (Hard)

    Thank you for your advice and reply!
  3. Xerablade

    Rejected Akamaru (Hard)

    Map Creator: superfroge Map Name: Akamaru /plot home superfroge Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 60-70 Checkpoints: 6 The Theme is From Naruto. A Game and an anime.
  4. Xerablade

    Rejected Sauna - Hard

    Hello GamersDecision! First i want you to notice that i am not an map judge So im just giving my personal opinion of your map. And second I think this map should be ACCEPTED and Here is why. The theme is ORIGINAL if i remember correctly there is no map of sauna so good job on that! The...
  5. Xerablade

    Rejected MusicTheatre (Expert)

    Map Creator: superfroge Map Name: MusicTheatre /Plot Home superfroge 3 Difficulty: Expert Jumps: 90-100 Checkpoints: 7
  6. Xerablade

    Rejected MegaMushroom (Medium)

    Map Creator: superfroge Map Name: MegaMushroom /Plot Home superfroge 2 Difficulty: Medium Jumps: 40-45 Checkpoints: 4 It Might look a little messy because of the blocks in front of the build.
  7. Xerablade

    Rejected FishingTrip (Hard)

    Map Creator: superfroge Map Name: FishingTrip /plot home superfroge 3 Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 50-60 Checkpoints: 4 There are a lot of barriers. It Is a little short even though its a hard.
  8. Xerablade

    Rejected Palace (Insane)

    Thank you from your reply
  9. Xerablade

    Rejected Palace (Insane)

    Map Creator: superfroge Map Name Palace /plot home superfroge Difficulty: Insane Jumps: 100-110 Checkpoints 8 Sorry For The Jumps amount i could have done more parkour in the first room But even though there are not many jumps the parkour is hard and will take a bit time to complete. I'd like...
  10. Xerablade

    Rejected GaiaGates Medium

    superfroge GaiaGates /Plot home superfroge Difficulty: Medium Jumps: Around 50-60 Checkpoints: 3
  11. Xerablade

    Rejected Soulcage Hard

    superfroge Soulcage /plot home superfroge Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 45 Checkpoints: 3 Sorry from the jumps The level is short but hard. There is Kinda much hard jumps.
  12. Xerablade

    Rejected Wii Easy

    superfroge Wii /plot home superfroge 3 Easy Jumps: 49 checkpoints : 2
  13. Xerablade

    Rejected Vivi easy (resubmission)

    superfroge Vivi /plot home superfroge Easy Jumps: 38 Checkpoints: 3 Resubmission of the map Vivi Since it was rejected. I changed the shape a bit and The parkour is Now a bit longer.
  14. Xerablade

    Rejected KingTonberry - Hard

    Thanks for the critique! We'll try to fix the map a bit from your critique! :)
  15. Xerablade

    Rejected KingTonberry - Hard

    Map Creators: superfroge & GamersDecision Map Name: KingTonberry /plot home superfroge 2 Difficulty: Hard Jumps: 76 Checkpoints: 5
  16. Xerablade

    Rejected Vivi Easy

    Map maker superfroge Map name Vivi /Plot home superfroge Difficulty: Easy Jumps 27 Checkpoints 2 The theme is from Final fantasy ix. Vivi Is a partner you will get At the start of the game.
  17. Xerablade

    Rejected MasterCycleZero - Expert

    superfroge MasterCycleZero /plot home superfroge Expert Jumps 75 Checkpoints 4 There is a lot of barriers /:
  18. Xerablade

    Rejected Spider

    Map Name :Spider Made By :superfroge Jumps :21 Checkpoints :2 Plot ID :/plot v superfroge
  19. Xerablade

    Rejected Huge house

    Hope you like it
  20. Xerablade

    Rejected Huge house

    Map name:Huge house Made by:superfroge jumps:45 checkpoints:2