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  1. SlyHaze

    [Global] Ranks

    I do not exactly mean to come off as hostile either, but even that explanation does not make sense. So, I think what you are trying to say is: When you purchase a rank, "Global perks" means that you do not get them on every server, but instead the commands are just the same. Therefore, making...
  2. SlyHaze

    Party Name Changes

    A drip lord?
  3. SlyHaze

    [Global] Ranks

    That does not make any sense, what do you mean by "which are valid on all game modes, not that you get them for all modes"? Using that logic, all perks are "valid" but just not accessible until you purchase the rank. You just used fancy jargon to describe how a normal rank works. There most...
  4. SlyHaze

    imma guess 1 is false, 2 and 3 are true.

    imma guess 1 is false, 2 and 3 are true.
  5. SlyHaze

    Managed to wake up at 2 pm today, and somehow still feel like a zombie.

    Managed to wake up at 2 pm today, and somehow still feel like a zombie.
  6. SlyHaze

    Happy birthday my dude

    Happy birthday my dude
  7. SlyHaze


    I consistently get below 50 ping, as well as above 70 FPS. I have also noticed that there is some latency when PvPing, specifically with pot pvp. I have seen this in a few servers, and honestly, I am stumped as to what causes these things. The TPS and ping will be fine, but you will still...
  8. SlyHaze

    [Global] Ranks

    So, I was informed that the ranks recently changed from being Global to only being on individual servers. While this is fine, the rank specifically states: To me, the term Global means on every server, I'm not exactly sure how manacube defines it but maybe it's a bit different. You only get to...
  9. SlyHaze

    A Day Of Fun

    Dang, homie had too much fun, they had to ban him.
  10. SlyHaze

    Server Wide Suggestion (Keys)

    Alright, then what about lowering the price altogether but making it more cosmetic instead of P2W stuff?
  11. SlyHaze

    Server Wide Suggestion (Keys)

    Okay, yeah I see where you are coming from. What I should say, is up the price on the store but lower the price in-game. I'm new to the whole "cubits" idea. I just want it to be less P2W and more grind2win.
  12. SlyHaze

    Server Wide Suggestion (Keys)

    It being more expensive means less people will be more inclined to be P2W. It's almost as if saying "You can be P2W but it'll cost you more". I mean, I can really only speak for my experience on factions. Personally, I'd rather have the keys be pretty much all cosmetic stuff. I understand how it...
  13. SlyHaze

    Server Wide Suggestion (Keys)

    I don't really mind keys being high in price. Makes it less P2W. I'm not sure what server you're referring to specifically but I know with factions, the top fac already receives 250 cubits a week PLUS 50 cubits for farming. The keys being more expensive kind of evens it out. Also, the arctic...