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  1. Charlie Bowdery

    Helping on creating those A+ builds

    Thread updated
  2. Charlie Bowdery

    Helping on creating those A+ builds

    Usually a few days because I don't tend too plan my builds. I sort of improvise, trial and error.. Doing things, seeing the outcome and adjusting based on my decision of the outcome!
  3. Charlie Bowdery

    My apologies!

    I would just like too apologise for my recent downtime, I've been having personal issues in real which have been interrupting me from logging onto MineVast, unfortunately. However, I do think that I've finally overcome these problems and will once again give 100% back too MineVast!
  4. Charlie Bowdery


    To put across certain words more efficiently. So it isn't at all misunderstood. I wasn't saying they aren't :P I was saying that I reckon he's only assuming it be these particular players :P
  5. Charlie Bowdery


    He cannot be sure that Ethan, Drakey or Alexandria have anything too do with griefing his plot. I reckon he's only assuming so.
  6. Charlie Bowdery


    Donator ranks do not have permissions too place fire/grief. I suggest doing /plotme deny [names] to the people you suspect of griefing, as we cannot do anything unless you provide substantial evidence of them actually griefing! If you're also quick enough and the permission is allowed, you can...
  7. Charlie Bowdery

    Leaving MV

    Coff coff, like me LOL. All the best too you and glad you enjoyed your time at MineVast! You'll be back when you realise the second you join our community, you know where you belong and therefore will always return! All the best too you anyways Luke :)
  8. Charlie Bowdery

    Can a Mod answer this please??

    I would say as long as you don't go about ruining peoples experience within the creative server, then it is permitted. Disguising and such is only minor and isn't worth action being taken upon you, to be honest. Where as, action can be taken if you grief or so on, just ruining others players...
  9. Charlie Bowdery

    Weekly Community Build

    As of next friday and every friday after that, I will be hosting a community build for the entire creative community. Allowing everyone in the community (those who wish too take part) too take time and build together. This will span over the weekend, possibly longer/shorter if needed. This...
  10. Charlie Bowdery

    I've sent my application :) would appreciate it if you read it :)

    I've sent my application :) would appreciate it if you read it :)
  11. Charlie Bowdery

    Can you read staff applications? :)

    Can you read staff applications? :)
  12. Charlie Bowdery

    You don't upload it too the parkour server, too get maps on parkour, upload them here...

    You don't upload it too the parkour server, too get maps on parkour, upload them here: Dacon will look at your post and judge it and either accept it or tell you what you need to do in order for it too be used! before posting check...
  13. Charlie Bowdery

    Which server do you think needs more staff?

    Creative Server, as I don't think they're any dedicated staff, as in.. There is multiple players who need moderating, people abusing other players for over an hour and it takes an hour too take action and it shouldn't.
  14. Charlie Bowdery

    New Command?

    I personally suggested setting a timer on the periods between clearing plots but as Aaron said, that wouldn't stop lag being created and servers being crashed due to the amount of blocks placed on plots wishing too be cleared. I think the safest way now is probably the way Aaron suggested...
  15. Charlie Bowdery

    New Command?

    It most likely would, but you can be certain people will complain about having too pay for something which is otherwise free. It's like paying too get certain World Edit permissions, after paying the price for something listed as being full World Edit. :P
  16. Charlie Bowdery

    New Command?

    Players shouldn't have too pay a sum of gems for clearing plots, as it can be used for things which enhance your experience on MineVast, such as using World Edit and so on.
  17. Charlie Bowdery

    New Command?

    I've used my WE perms too help people with clearing plots multiple times, so it is a effective way of clearing but as Aaron said not everyone has access to WE perms, meaning they cannot //set.
  18. Charlie Bowdery

    New Command?

    Or maybe, set a timer for when someone clears their plot? Like the way a ban is timed for a specific amount of time. Maybe only allowing a player too only clear their plot once a day or once a week. If this can be done.
  19. Charlie Bowdery

    My plot for A/A+

    Please keep your post relevant too the thread mate. :P (Not being rude!)
  20. Charlie Bowdery

    My plot for A/A+

    Thank you Luke ;)