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  1. ParmeSean

    CE Storage Suggestion Idea **ACCEPTED**

    +1 Great idea. I don't use CE's because I don't like sorting them. Sean
  2. ParmeSean


    From what I understand, the last skyblock reset was in December of 2023 and most players say 10-15 months. Which means the reset can take place anywhere from 4-9 months. I've been playing on the server for about 4 months and can tell you that it's been very rewarding so far. You still have...
  3. ParmeSean

    SeanToasters - QA Team Application [Skyblock]

    Your Minecraft Username SeanToasters Discord username parmeseann What is the main realm you play on Skyblock When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like? 335 hours (actively) played since approximately March 31st until now. I can guarantee on average 2-4 hours...