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    Okay Thank You
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    I dont mean to sound rude or mean in anyway, and am not trying to come off as if I am disrespecting the staff or server in anyway, but are a large portion of the staff on vacation/away from their computer by chance? Ive had an appeal up for over 24 hours now and noone has responded to it. If...
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    BuilderBoy2701 and NBoost_ Hacking

    How would you be able to see my inventory always? What does you seeing me holding and enderpearl have to do with it
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    Samwow18 hacked Him saying I was Flying was me enderpearling on top of his grinder and trees What are those screenshots supposed to be of?
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    BuilderBoy2701 and NBoost_ Hacking

    As I said previously in this post, you saying i was "flying" was me enderpearling on top of your grinder and on top of your trees.
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    BuilderBoy2701 and NBoost_ Hacking

    Earlier I teleported to someone on accident by typing in the wrong name (builder boy) and was attacked. I fought and killed one of the two (I think it was builder boy) and they dropped 2 stacks of diamonds and almost a full inv of ores. When i tpd originally i was in their "strip mine" which was...