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  1. themodking

    2 legendary chest giveaway!

    themodking Already following btw. hydraton3790 on twitch
  2. themodking

    Elite rank giveaway at 300 cubits.

    themodking in game. Might say im ELITE already but its not global
  3. themodking

    Demon Fortress Update

    Is it possible to reduce the amount of damage the lava cubes do? It is way too easy to break even vault armour with Unbreaking 10. Mending or not.
  4. themodking

    Cubit prices

    I really love your thinking. Without people completely blowing the cubit prices out into space, we can have a great and peaceful economy. Although we do need the word "economy: to be uncensored. As to my knowledge, cubit prices are 15M/1 cubit. That's not too bad.
  5. themodking


    Why you gotta flex like that? 19k hugs... Jesus...
  6. themodking

    Do staff get rewarded for bans?

    Reminder: Ban/Mute Appeals are only valid if the ban/mute is longer than 24 hours. As to my knowledge, an autoclicking related ban is only 24 hours and you cannot appeal for that.
  7. themodking

    Anyone selling dust

    If I had any I would give it to you ;)
  8. themodking

    What do you think the [Elite] Rank will feature?!?!

    Considering that the MVP armor is already Protection 4, I would guess that ELITE armor would be a level higher on everything the MVP armor has. As for the sword I would think it would look like the MVP+ Sword in Factions. Your guess on the tools. MVP+ kit gives a rare enchant book aswell so I...
  9. themodking

    Whats the best realm (poll/why)

    Lmao agreed. Mostly the parkour people are active. I feel that this poll was biased from the start just being on the forums.
  10. themodking

    Who is ready for christmas?

    Oh please... I am always ready for Christmas but it depends on how early people make it that annoys me. I don't really care WHEN the Christmas season starts its just how serious people take it. Certain stores are playing Christmas music already but that doesn't bother me. People are complaining...
  11. themodking

    What are your thoughts?

    Lmao ok I gotchu ;) I personally don't have a Christmas skin yet but I will start December 1st for logical reasons.
  12. themodking

    What are your thoughts?

    Christmas season already? Yes? No? Comment your thoughts. I am intrigued. Personally I am 50/50 on what it is. Some things I am ok with and others its just too early for.
  13. themodking

    How long until bosses are fixed?

    thanks sunset
  14. themodking

    How long until bosses are fixed?

    I want you guys to comment below on your guesses on how long bosses will take to get fixed. Closest guess gets 100m. IF THEY GET FIXED!
  15. themodking

    What you're favorite candy

    Almost all chocolates. I personally HATE CARAMEL. Used to love candy corn but now it gives me a stomachache. I will eat peanuts and peanut butter chocolates. Milk chocolate is fake and gross. Don't @ me.