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  1. S

    Concerning PvP - Bringing back the dead

    Hello there, First things first, I would like to thank you for taking some time to read this post. Seeing that pvp in survival has undergone a reform concerning tp's sounds like a great idea, and definitely a step towards the right direction. I also understand how difficult it is to apply any...
  2. S

    Concerning PvP - Bringing back the dead

    This is a fairly solid argument, although rather narrow-minded. In my opinion, both styles of PvP fit to different categories of people. It all really depends on what you are looking for in a PvP match. And for people who play PvP in survival, 1.9 pvp is obviously what they want. Otherwise, they...
  3. S

    Concerning PvP - Bringing back the dead

    The Dead After having played on MineVast for at least 3 to 4 months, I can safely say that the server I am most interested about is the survival one; having a vast world to explore, playing on 1.9 with the new end, pvp and items, interacting via building, managing resources or fighting with...