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  1. Quinmo

    Parkour Ideas

    Very good idea! I was thinking about that and how there really isn't a reward for prestiging atm.
  2. Quinmo

    Parkour Ideas

    HI! I'm Quinmo! Just a short disclaimer, this post is not meant to attack or put down any other ideas or current existing features. These are just some ideas that I wanted to put out there. Thanks! 1.) Tags. Tags are a fun way to express yourself in many different forms, but you cannot get some...
  3. Quinmo

    Good farming map?

    Farm that map called blorgHead or something, its a hard map and you can complete it in like 1 minute, so around 3600 mana per hour if u speedrun it.
  4. Quinmo

    Accepted ShotoTodoroki - Expert

    OMG this is so awesome! There is a good variety of blocks, the build is amazing, and I think this is an absolutely epic map! I hope this map gets accepted ;) *Edit: Shoot I think there is already a general My Hero Academia map but I think this is ok hopefully.
  5. Quinmo

    Omg hi Kristina you are a very good mod good job helping out <3<3

    Omg hi Kristina you are a very good mod good job helping out <3<3
  6. Quinmo

    Rejected The 5 Block Jump

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention the 5 block jump is almost impossible in 1.8.9 without speed. (At least that is what I think).
  7. Quinmo

    Rejected The 5 Block Jump

    Sorry mate, but this is a -1 for me. There are 3 reasons that it is a -1 for me: 1.) There is no clear theme is this map. You mentioned the theme Momentum, but that theme isn't really clear and it could be argued that the theme of all maps is momentum because you need momentum in some sort of...
  8. Quinmo

    YOOOOOOOO wasssup everyone yay I made manacube account yay now I can use the forums

    YOOOOOOOO wasssup everyone yay I made manacube account yay now I can use the forums
  9. Quinmo


    Wow thats insane lol I could never do that i'm absolute trash at pkour just thinking about that makes me scared
  10. Quinmo


    I'm pretty sure a climb neo is where its a neo but with ladders or vines? Correct me if I'm wrong
  11. Quinmo

    looking for rare items on parkour

    Its probably some kind of GUI glitch because it wouldn't work taking them from the world plots because its a different world I think... But to me it is still a mystery because I don't know if there is a blaze egg in any of the GUIs.... eh idk. I've had 1 but I lost it :/
  12. Quinmo

    Do you guys agree?

    Do you know the details on the anticheat that they are working on? Like how good it will be and what hacks it will be focused on? If you don't thanks completely ok, i'm just asking. Thanks!
  13. Quinmo

    Kit-PVP Suggestions (Ally System, Kill Reward, Improved Chests, Kill Streaks, More Prestige Levels)

    I completely agree with this I think kitPvP needs some more features but without extending too far from vanilla minecraft(custom enchants, etc).
  14. Quinmo

    Easter eggs?

    I saw someone x-raying for them they were looking down into the ground and walking around and hitting stuff seems kinda sus to me
  15. Quinmo


    I'm not even that good I deserve [Noob] rank but I just grind easy maps and attempt(always fail, never completed) champ maps. Thats literally my life in parkour lol I'm maybe a -10?
  16. Quinmo


    Lol that's literally my whole strat I just go into a group of people getting absolutely destroyed by some full diamond kid and just hit everyone and run it's a great way to make money
  17. Quinmo

    looking for rare items on parkour

    Yeah I know about those items, but what about the items mentioned in caseyclosed's description?(barriers, clay, others)
  18. Quinmo

    Do you guys agree?

    Hi. On Mana PvP, on average, you probably see around 5 different hackers online at the same time. This is why Manacube needs a new anticheat. Don't get me wrong, the anticheat on manacube works pretty well to deflect obvious hackers, like people who just don't have an easy way to toggle and use...
  19. Quinmo

    looking for rare items on parkour

    Wait this may be a stupid question but how exactly do you get 'rare' items? Are they just like jitter-glitched blocks from any of the GUIs or what?
  20. Quinmo

    Anyone selling a revenge kit as i would like to try it

    Hi @KuShC00KIE , I have revenge kit unlocked and I would be happy to give it to you for a very cheap price, like I get it every two hours, its not a big problem for me. My discord is Quinmo#6251 if you wanna contact me to set up a meeting place, etc.