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  1. lokiio

    Purple is just slightly darker blue. Change my mind.

    Exactly what the title says. Why do I think this you may ask? I’m colourblind. That’s it. That’s the reason. They look the exact fricking same. Why. WHY. WHAT MONSTROSITY IS THIS.
  2. lokiio

    Change /helpop.

    [This is really just a thread to build on this thread by Penguin.] First of all, I think helpop messages are too difficult to read in chat since it’s a simple [name] > [y/ign]: [message]. There’s no bold, no colours (other than yellow), and nothing to indicate that it’s a helpop response. I...
  3. lokiio

    Can’t link account?

    I wasn’t sure if I should make a ticket or not since it’s not really that important, but doing /link in the hub does absolutely nothing? No error message, no link, no nothing :/
  4. lokiio

    Favourite map?

    I was just curious, what is everyone’s favourite map, and what is your least favourite? Personally I love the HP champ map (even though I haven’t finished it lmao) because it’s fairly interesting and I love HP haha. I hate pretty much any map with loads of ladder jumps or fence jumps; they’re...
  5. lokiio


    Ello, I'm Loki/Lokiio and I'm a SIMP guy from the UK with wayyy too much free time. I'm mostly on Manacube for the parkour, but I play a bit of prisons as well. :)