
  1. Sir_marshall1504

    Rejected Map Submission - ViewpointPK

    Name: ViewpointPK Maker: Sir_marshall1504 Difficulty: Medium (45 jumps) Theme: Large waterfall with viewpoint on top of it. Plot: /plot tp Sir_marshall1504 2 Screenshots:
  2. dr4aught

    Rejected Ben And Jerry's - Remake

    I remade my last map as I saw what celestiiia added in my last map and I redid the entire thing. Yet again if anything is wrong I will edit dr4aught and gongfuxiongmao Ben and Jerry's It turned up to be a hard map so I added neos but the count is 72 jumps. /plot visit dr4aught 1
  3. dr4aught

    Rejected Ben And Jerry's - Parkour

    dr4aught Ben and Jerry's(or Ben & Jerry's) /plot visit dr4aught 1 I wanted it to be medium so I added neo's but I do see that medium maps are 40 - 60 jumps so if this does not qualify for medium I will make changes There are 36 jumps but look above ^ I'm not sure if maps like this have been made...
  4. Moxay


    USERNAME: ItzCakie Plot difficulty: Easy or Medium, I don't really know. How to get there?: /plot visit ItzCakie 3 Number of jumps: Optional. Screenshot of plot:
  5. Nico8k

    Rejected Rainy days - Easy

    Username: Nico8k Who build the parkour: Nico8k Map name: Rainy days Pictures: Plot name: Nico8k Plot #: #1 Difficulty: Easy Number of Jumps: ~26
  6. Kenzie

    Rejected Parkour Map - 500+ Jumps - Multi-Course

    HmKenzie Multi-Course 1 Insane 500+ Jumps
  7. Microgear

    Accepted Vending machine -Insane resubmission

    hey i hope this is better i have buffed a couple jumps to fit the insane difficulty and made the parkour more enjoyable -vending machine -insane -/plot v microgear 4 -110 jumps -5 cps or 4 idk enjoy
  8. Cogsworth

    Rejected Newspaper - Medium (FIXED)

    Username - TenkaiSean Map Name - Newspaper /plot visit TenkaiSean 1 (aka 30;77) Difficulty - Medium Jumps - About 46 (Snakes in the background are different parkour, yellow line seperates) ( I am pretty sure this is original... I have checked the google doc involving words like "news" or...
  9. american_jobs

    Rejected Choices - Easy

    american_jobs Choices 48; -76 (not sure if this is the plot number lol) easy
  10. Microgear

    Rejected MY BEST PARCOUR MAP YET (SpongeLand)

    Hey im back after my last 2 MAPS GOT REJECTED,,,,,,so im backand this time ive took both feedbacks i was given and put them into one map :i have varied the jumps ive themed it well: i have given players tips on what too do :i have worked hard on it : ive made the parcour as enjoyable as possible...
  11. M

    Rejected Brick-Easy

    Theme: Brick Difficulty: Easy 27 jumps 3 checkpoints Creator: TheModPros_Bros (No help) /plot v ThemModPros_Bros Screenshots:
  12. rmc22

    Rejected EasyToMedium - Map Submission

    Username; rmc22 Map name; EasyToMedium The # of your Plot; /plot h rmc22 Difficulty; medium Number of jumps; 40