money making

  1. GameGaming

    What is the best way to make money in Survival?

    I have been playing survival and I was wondering, what is the best way money making method?
  2. Fox (Earth)

    Earth Money

    I have a question, how do you get in-game cash easily? As of right now I have 150 - 200m, but it's still not a lot. I know that you can use spawners, but idk how that exactly works, so I kinda need answers.
  3. Kazku


    What is a quick way to make money? I want to know because I don’t have a bunch :(
  4. Andhjekk


    just found out that poppys dont make you any money in the inf chests. is there at all any possibilities to remove poppy dropping? would be so much more efficient. less hopper and infs clogging so it will be less threads-tickets-helpop-and problems around the whole ig farms. if it would help...
  5. Digestedmonk928

    Starting Off

    When first starting of you need to first mine your island for diamonds and other minerals. Then if you can, start fishing as soon as possible. (You can also make this your job to earn extra xp and money). Then after while you need to sell your cubits.(If you want to). Also cubits are worth 300k...
  6. O0osamooo

    Making 1 billion! Question.

    So for those of you who have made hundreds of millions or even a billion on this Skyblock server, how do you do it? I see posts and guides for beginners, but now that I have started to gather 10s of millions, I want to invest it in the right way to make more. To the richest on skyblock, do...