2019 Elf Hunt Guide - Factions


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Happy holidays, everyone! Some of you who have been around on this server for for a while may remember we had a fun little elf hunting event on every server around this time last year. Well, it's back again this year! Some of you may also remember I made guides for those hunts last year, and guess what? I'm gonna be doing it again! Woo!

As you may know, nearly every server's /spawn area has been decorated with a nice winter theme. You might have even noticed a few elves hanging around these areas too! These are, in fact, Santa's elves and he needs your help locating each one of them. Once you do, you get a nifty new [SantasHelper] title!

This thread is for those who need a little extra help finding all those elves for the Factions server. I will start out with a small hint about each elf, but if you need more than just a hint, click the spoiler tab for more help! (Guides for other servers will be coming soon, please be patient!)

Lastly, I want to thank the entire community for helping me find all these elves! There are some real tricky ones this year, and I'm sure some people out there will struggle to find some of these elves. So again, thanks to all who helped me make this guide to help others!

Other notes:
  • Right-click on Santa at spawn or type the command /santa in-game to check your elf count
  • Once you find an elf, right-click them to register them as found
  • Type the command /elf in-game to see what elves you have found/not found

Frost: Check around the treasure crates next to /spawn.
After arriving in /spawn, turn left and walk towards the treasure crates. You will see Frost standing between the Legendary Chest and the Christmas Chest.
Coordinates: -35 81 -4

Pixie: Check around the leaderboards area.
After arriving in /spawn, turn right and walk towards the leaderboards. Go past the blank leaderboard and Pixie will be right up against the back of it.
Coordinates: 40 81 -8

Pepper: Check the tunnel behind /spawn. You will need an ender pearl for this one!
After arriving in /spawn, turn around and walk through the tunnel. Pepper will be on a pile of ice on the right inside the tunnel. You will need to use an ender pearl to reach them.
Coordinates: -8 87 34

Joy: Hm? Do you hear the caroling of an elf somewhere up high? It seems to be coming from... above /spawn? You will need an ender pearl for this one!
After arriving in /spawn, turn around and aim your ender pearl for area in the red circle in this screenshot. You should see Joy nearby.
Coordinates: 0 101 16

Holly: Check the roofs of the buildings to the right of the spawn area. You will need an ender pearl for this one!
After arriving in /spawn, turn right and walk towards the leaderboards. Before you enter the leaderboards area, look up and use your ender pearl to teleport to the roof of this area. Holly will be on a block of snow on the roof.
Coordinates: 28 101 -8

Ginger: Check below the Christmas tree in the spawn area.
Go to /spawn and walk forward towards the Christmas tree in the middle. You will see Ginger next to a pile of gifts to the left.
Coordinates: -7 81 -43

Twinkle: Check the top of the Christmas tree in the middle of the spawn area. You may need a few ender pearls for this one!
Twinkle will be on the very top of the Christmas tree in the middle of /spawn. The tricky part will be climbing the tree! I personally had to use a few ender pearls for this one.
Coordinates: -1 112 -51

Noel: Check the Blacksmith's shop.
To get to the Blacksmith, go to /spawn and go forward until you step on the ice path. Turn left and you will see the Blacksmith's shop. Noel is located inside the shop and can be reached from behind the shop.
Coordinates: -16 80 -28

Nick: Check around the shop filled with TNT.
To get to the Blacksmith, go to /spawn and go forward until you step on the ice path. Turn left and follow the ice path until you see a shop with TNT on the left. Walk around the outside of this shop to find Nick behind it.
Coordinates: -24 80 -74

Carol and Link: Check inside the house furthest from /spawn, on the left... Huh?! Do you hear the screaming of an elf over there? It smells like... something is burning?
After going to /spawn, go forward, walk past the Christmas tree, and stop when you see 2 archways to your left and right. Go under the arch on the left and enter the house you see slightly to the right. Carol is on the other side of the table in front of you.
Coordinates: -28 79 -95
After going to /spawn, go forward, walk past the Christmas tree, and stop when you see 2 archways to your left and right. Go under the arch on the left and enter the house you see slightly to the right. Once you are inside, go up the stairs to the right and you will see Link in the fireplace.
Coordinates: -32 79 -95

Cedar: Check inside the house furthest from /spawn, on the right.
After going to /spawn, go forward, walk past the Christmas tree, and stop when you see 2 archways to your left and right. Go under the arch on the right and enter the house you see slightly to the left. Once you are inside, go up the stairs to the left. and you will see Cedar on the red and green bed.
Coordinates: 27 88 -89

Tinsel: Check the tunnel directly ahead of /spawn.
After going to /spawn, go forward, walk past the Christmas tree, go through the tunnel directly ahead and stop as soon as you exit the tunnel. Look to your left and you will see Tinsel next to a block of brown carpet.
Coordinates: -8 82 -156

Jingle: This elf is particularly fond of Santa Claus. Wait, isn't there a Santa statue is spawn somewhere? Check around there! You will need an ender pearl for this one!
After going to /spawn, go forward, walk past the Christmas tree, and stop just before you enter the tunnel. Look up and aim your ender pearl for area in the red circle in this screenshot. Jingle will be on the ledge below the Santa statue.
Coordinates: 0 101 -115


Dedicated Member
Jun 18, 2019
160 5
Thankyou so much for this guide! Everyone better grab this title before it is gone! Perfect opportunity right now.


Dedicated Member
Jun 27, 2019
321 19
Omg please delete this before chat gets even worse with the titles.. don’t turn this into Olympus chat LOL it kills my eyes