Note: When you ask for your data restored, I don't restore it on your new name, I simply just change your username back to your old one and restore your rank.
Hello, if you're one of the many people who have accidentally changed their username, you can post here to recover your lost data. I will manually replace your username with your UUID, meaning that you would have your old username again on MineVast, but your data would be restored. We should hopefully have all UUIDs converted to Mojang's UUIDs within a month.
Note: In order for me to restore your data, you must have joined MineVast with your old username on November 3rd or later.
Please fill out this and post below:
Original Username: wboy7st2
New Username: GeneralGoofy
What is your Rank? ( Donator ): None
Please give me up to 12 hours to restore your data.