Hello. Recently, I have tried completing one of the adventure maps on the parkour mode. It was really late at night though, so I left and turned my pc off and went to sleep. When I logged on the next day, the map bugged. I could not teleport to the last checkopint checkpoint, I could not use any commands, including /spawn and everything in my inventory just simply didn't work. I tried to press the buttons using just rmb, then shift+rmb and then all sorts of weird combinations, zero results. The same applies to literally any other item or any other command and option I should have access to. Now I'm stuck there, not being able to get out, not being able to use the command to contact staff, and being pretty much locked from the parkour mod forever. There is only one hope for me: asking for help on forums, and therefore here I am, asking you what the hell is going on with my session and begging for help. Thanks in advance