Congratulations "Manacube", you just socially chased away one of your few remaining members that have played since mid 2015... I was upset at the system for applying for staff and made a "rant". Everyone ganged up on me and attacked, until finally one person, GgGotGame, actually helped me understand how it worked. I felt bad after I made the initial post because not only did I feel bad for tearing into the system and everyone that "helped" grade it, but it was embarrassing how utterly moronic and hateful it was. For this I apologize. The ridiculous amount of hate that I got dumped on me for a post clearly made when I was upset and angry was even more depressing than the initial post. Bless GgGotGame for actually helping me understand what the system was rather than maliciously going after me. This is only part of the reason why I'm quitting, but seriously, I'm clearly not wanted here. No one seems to like me, for the most part I'm nice to everyone but I either get talked down by the "Cool Manacube Kids" or just downright ignored by others. A few people are nice to me, others are really just rude and don't give a shit about anything, any rules, or anyone. The server isn't even a ton of fun anymore. I love creative, and I have builds that can't be transferred to other servers, so for now I'm going to keep playing Manacube. I'm not gonna talk to anyone though, so don't even bother trying to strike up a conversation. I will not be the first Minevast player to rightfully ditch Manacube. Good job Graser and Kiingtong - you f*cked up the server, you really did. I KNOW that I'll get more hate for this, so I'm not gonna bother coming back to check. So do whatever you want, I'm going to stop caring, stop caring about this server... as much as it hurts to say.