Closed Autoclicker


Aug 20, 2021
I ve benn banned on manacube on day 26.08.2021. i autoclicked once for the time i went to eat - it was around 20 minutes. when i came back i got banned PERMANENTLY i understand i shouldnt have but at that time manacube skyblock was the only thing i played. day to night i would wake up around 7 am just to do something i planned the other day. back then the perspective of losing 20 minutes of precious gameplay was unacceptable. everytime i joined minecraft since that day i checked this server even tho every single one of these attempts failed miserably - but even after 100th try i didnt give up and i ended up here writing my ban appeal to give me first and last chance - i ve never been punished on this server before. i didnt even get a chance to explain myself. all my progress around 600h of gameplay on just pure skyblock got lost. gear i grinded was worth fortune both in cubits and in game money. so im once again asking for this one last chance to rehabilitate myself and you ve got my word - i shall never, and i repeat, NEVER autoclick or do anything against wonderful server. i ve benn loking for other skyblock servers better than this one but failed miserably. down here i share my screenshot i took on my friend's island - u can see some valuable items down in my hotbar such as legendary axe and bone axe both worth milions of coins - please reconsider this ban i didnt even get a warning like 30 day ban or sth. please dont let all my effort die because of one stupid childish mistake
exhb 1.png