Hello SacredPvP!
I am here to give you my review of the map!
Firstly I think the theme is
GREAT since there shouldn't be any maps related to backyards or just yards in general. (
Park) is the closest I can think of at the fly. Good work on the theme!
Secondly I think the build is
GOOD. I personally really like the build but there's still those issues that were in your previous submission with the scaling. I don't know how much this will bother the map judges, but it definitely is a negative that there's those scaling inaccuracies! The hut for example isn't even the height of the fence!!!
Lastly I think the parkour of your map is
OKAY. It meets all the basic requirements that I don't need to list here (cps, length, variation, no floating) but there are some issues with it. I think the parkour in your map is too difficult for an Expert map. You have built the map on the wrong facing (Expert should be X when you have it as Z) which means that the map will be rotated and the difficulty will change some jumps. I would nerf the map from quite a few spots! There's also one skip that I was able to find.
You can jump on the hut from the fence, skipping parkour inside the hut and around the other side of the fence. Not a huge skip but should still be fixed nonetheless!
Good luck :)