Bacoow - QA Team Application [Survival]


Dedicated Member
Jan 19, 2021
83 12
Your Minecraft Username

Discord username
What is the main realm you play on

When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like?
Somewhere around 2019/2020,
Wasnt that serious player back then until i realised what this server actually worth!
Survival been my main since the day i met manacube, the community over here is the main reason i keep joining so as it is my activity to be an active ingame + chat :D

Why do you want to join the QA team?
I want to join the QA team to improve the mana experience and help staff out finding unnoticed bugs. (like we should even without being qa)

Do you have any experience with game testing/quality assurance?
Not really to be honest, but i noticed multiple bugs with the time and took action by contacting staff in the past! Taking fixing the bug as priority so people wont abuse it.

What qualities or skills do you have that would contribute positively to the QA team?
I am active, i keep taking notes in chat,
Will do anything to keep the fun ingame!

If it wasnt asking for skills i wouldnt say it but im very helpfull aswell!

I know this might not add anything special (and i was about to apply for staff smh) but i actually do care about the people that are on the server.
Indeed there are good people and the less good people but i believe in the fact that if people realise how fun this server actually can be, even they can turn into the good!

Would you be interested in writing Wiki articles? Yes

Account activity
My account has 100+ hours played and is older than 1 month

Account agreement
I own a Microsoft minecraft account that is not shared with anyone

Security agreement I have a 2FA protected Discord & Google account
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