If it's made poorly, take the time to correct it before submitting! Map judges prefer quality over speed or quantity, and one well-crafted, accepted map is better than hundreds of low-quality rejected ones.
The build isn't anything particularly amazing; the house is blocky and has an uneven design, and the islands look too small.
The parkour is somewhat repetitive, which you should try to avoid, especially in short parkours. Try ice, soul sand, fence, trapdoor, and more blocks to make a fun map. It's also very floaty and makes the build look worse.
The theme of bedwars is original, but it's also on floating islands which are very unoriginal.
I would suggest that you completely restart this. Start by making a bedwars map as if you had a bedwars server. Make it as good as you can, something that you would be willing to play on hundreds, even thousands of times (like many bedwars grinders). Then, think up a unique parkour; you can look at recently accepted maps for ideas.
Good luck!