Hello jackpugzo,
I am sorry to inform you that your course is being rejected. The build could be improved and the theme, while inspired by your dog (I love dogs personally), could be more represented by the course. Next time, make the central build bigger. Also, make the parkour go on the course mostly. Floating blocks in parkour make it look somewhat messy, which can get a course rejected. In addition, the parkour is repetitive. Try to use unique blocks and jumps when you make parkour :)
Thank you for submitting this course! Don't be discouraged by a reject, I'd love to see you improve and try making more! :D
If you have any questions, you may DM me on here, in game, or on discord! :D
*Edit* Don't be so hard on yourself! You are not stupid! Forums are hard to navigate sometimes. If you have questions, as I said, you may ask me or any other willing staff/members!
-Ashley (ThePKFish, fishy1980)