Hello EPGaming,
I am sorry to inform you that this course is being rejected. One of the main reasons for rejecting this course is that it is too hard. One example is that we do not accept double neos on a course. The course is also very short, and the jump difficulty doesn't justify this. Also, try not to use landmines in courses. Especially like how you did at the end. Something happened now where many landmines are nearly impossible to avoid. Limit your barrier use too, if you can. Despite what I have said, I do like the build of this course. It has a nice and original theme that the build definitely represents. Overall, the course is too hard, too short, there are too many barriers, and there are too many landmines. :)
Thank you for submitting this course! I hope to see more from you in the future! :D
If you have any questions, you can PM me on here, in game, or on discord
-Ashley (ThePKFish, fishy1980)