Chat suggestion for Parkour


Aug 31, 2021
3 2
I think anyone below the "Skilled" rank OR players with less than 10 hours shouldn't be allowed to talk in chat.

I'd say 90% of the hate and toxicity in the chat is due to new players or "noob" ranked players that join servers and be toxic just for the sake of being toxic.

The parkour chat is honestly disgusting, I have 612+ hours and there hasn't been a single day where no one has been toxic and disgusting. And again, 90% of the time it is stemming from trolls/"noob" players.

Unless the mods want to step up and monitor the chat better (unlikely) I think there should be a feature that restricts newly joined players from talking in chat. You can call this censorship but I'm sure most of us are aware of how bad the chat is on a daily, if not hourly basis. I'd recommend something around the 5-10 hour mark or around the "Adept-Skilled" rank. Of course, keep something like /helpop open for new players who have actual questions and need help, but the general chat needs a restriction. Even when staff are on they will allow horrifying conversations to continue for 30+ min without taking action.

Most of us who have been playing for a long time are absolutely sick of it.


Parkour Mod+ | Map Judge
May 8, 2020
265 7

In my opinion, I'm not a fan of this idea, as I don't see much advantage from taking away the ability to chat from such a large section of parkour's player base. If a new player was to join a server and be unable to talk to in chat to understand how the server works, or ask for help on a certain map, I doubt they would stay online for long. If anything, newer players require the most help until they understand how the server works for the most part. Also, I understand that /helpop can just be used, but new players may not know that is a command they can use. It seems quite unfair to me that the ability to talk to or make friends in chat is determined by your ability to do parkour, or how long you spend on the server.

If you see chat become out of hand, or have a problem with it, you can /helpop or /report the players yourself if there are staff online. If no staff respond, and this may happen due to them sorting out an issue elsewhere on Manacube, you can report chat in the discord help channels. All staff are trained to and are aware of how to deal with chat, but if you have an issue with how a staff member behaves, you can make a staff report here.

I'd love to hear others opinions on this though. I think a similar idea was brought up a while ago.


Aug 31, 2021
3 2

In my opinion, I'm not a fan of this idea, as I don't see much advantage from taking away the ability to chat from such a large section of parkour's player base. If a new player was to join a server and be unable to talk to in chat to understand how the server works, or ask for help on a certain map, I doubt they would stay online for long. If anything, newer players require the most help until they understand how the server works for the most part. Also, I understand that /helpop can just be used, but new players may not know that is a command they can use. It seems quite unfair to me that the ability to talk to or make friends in chat is determined by your ability to do parkour, or how long you spend on the server.

If you see chat become out of hand, or have a problem with it, you can /helpop or /report the players yourself if there are staff online. If no staff respond, and this may happen due to them sorting out an issue elsewhere on Manacube, you can report chat in the discord help channels. All staff are trained to and are aware of how to deal with chat, but if you have an issue with how a staff member behaves, you can make a staff report here.

I'd love to hear others opinions on this though. I think a similar idea was brought up a while ago.

What's the solution then? I've been playing MC for over 10 years and Manacube's Parkour chat is by far the worst and most toxic I have ever come across and dear Lord is that saying something. Spend 10 minutes on the server and watch as (majority of the time) noob rank players talk about Politics, Religion, Sexuality in disgusting ways. I'd have no problem if the chat was better monitored but it just isn't. Plain and simple. It's not like it's some obscure thing to see someone being toxic in chat, it happens on an hourly basis. I'm not singling out any specific staff member but whenever the toxic chat happens, it just goes on and on and on for so long without anyone doing anything to stop it. But even when it is stopped, it just will continue 10 minutes later. I know yall aren't gods, people are going to be toxic in chat, it happens. But I've seen far better-monitored chat on HUGE servers and even smaller servers so there really isn't an excuse. Its like the reputation is "Be toxic on Manacube because Manacube is toxic". Again, it's not like some small issue, this has been going on daily for years. The rules are clearly defined except the regulation isn't. I'd be far more okay with it if yall just embraced it, like "Here at manacube it's okay to be toxic and disgusting" and then just let that run its course. But the rules are stated very well. And if we continue to let that reputation of toxicity continue while doing the bare minimum to stop/monitor it. It's never going to stop.

I hate censorship, however, what's the alternative. Either drop most of the rules and just let people be toxic, OR monitor is better so it isn't an issue every 30 minutes. I don't like the half-assed approach because clearly, it doesn't work.

Another alternative I can think of is getting a better filter. Dear Lord get a better filter. I mean the current filter won't let you say cucumber but you can have people being blatantly racist, homophobic, and just gross. Again, I've seen many larger and smaller servers with a FAR better filter. I really don't understand the manacube filter.
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Forum Expert
Sep 3, 2020
265 1
i mean i would agree with you in some aspects (particuarly the filter) but i really dont see how you can moderate better. most of the time there is staff online and shits sorted out quickly and its unrealistic to expect them to mute people instantly, especially when alot of the time things you classify as "horriffying" are just peoples opinions you dont agree with and im pretty sure your allowed to talk about such things as long as it is a respectful discussion. my personal belief is if your too sensitive to handle different opinions whether they are trolling or not or just being blatantly inappropriate just turn off chat or dont play the server. people spamming, swearing, or throwing around hatespeech shouldnt be given the opportunity, but the best method is to just work through the filter system so it actually works rather than just stopping all chat. perhaps even people who get a censored word get a cooldown affect for 10 seconds or something for a period after the censorship, this would stop spam and deter people even considering bringing up such discussions.


Aug 31, 2021
3 2
i mean i would agree with you in some aspects (particuarly the filter) but i really dont see how you can moderate better. most of the time there is staff online and shits sorted out quickly and its unrealistic to expect them to mute people instantly, especially when alot of the time things you classify as "horriffying" are just peoples opinions you dont agree with and im pretty sure your allowed to talk about such things as long as it is a respectful discussion. my personal belief is if your too sensitive to handle different opinions whether they are trolling or not or just being blatantly inappropriate just turn off chat or dont play the server. people spamming, swearing, or throwing around hatespeech shouldnt be given the opportunity, but the best method is to just work through the filter system so it actually works rather than just stopping all chat. perhaps even people who get a censored word get a cooldown affect for 10 seconds or something for a period after the censorship, this would stop spam and deter people even considering bringing up such discussions.

Okay, make no mistake lol, I'm not some insecure snowflake who is in chat crying when someone brings up politics. I don't think politics should be in a Minecraft server at all and that is one of my main points, but I don't care about that. What I do care about is people talking about rape, using slurs, and illegal topics which is a vast majority of the chat. We have enough stress in our lives, when I come onto a MINECRAFT PARKOUR server, I don't want to hear about religion, politics, ect. If that's allowed well then fine, but those topics VERY quickly turn hostile and into horrifying conversations. So why allow them in the first place? This isn't a political platform, this is a MINECRAFT SERVER. Practically a kids game if you really want to break it down, there is no reason this should turn into a political or religious platform. And when any of those topics are brought up, it instantly turns bad. I've never seen a single time one of those topics are brought up and it ends in a "respectful discussion" that's my point. Its not a political platform, its a kids game at the end of the day. And I think Manacube has one of the worst filters I've ever seen. It filters words like "Cucumber" but racial slurs make it through the cracks. You say people are "too sensitive" to certain things but again, why the hell are we even discussing this on a Minecraft sever in the first place? 10/10 times its going to end badly so why turn a server into a political platform where you have the delusion that its going to end nicely in the first place?


Aug 2, 2021
I don't like this idea honestly. I've had chats with new people and they are usually quite nice. If I'm new to a server I wouldn't like being excluded from the community in any way just because I'm "new". Like Amy said above, new players usually need the most help with things, and I feel like /helpop should be used for issues where you need staff for a reply.

Of course, 90% of the time, new players are the ones being rude in chat, but I don't think we should remove everyone because of a small percentage of players.


Parkour Mod+ | Map Judge
May 8, 2020
265 7
Spend 10 minutes on the server and watch as (majority of the time) noob rank players talk about Politics, Religion, Sexuality in disgusting ways. I'd have no problem if the chat was better monitored but it just isn't.
I'm aware of how chat on parkour can be sometimes, it happens with large player bases, all with differing opinions, but this does not mean inappropriate discussions are allowed. I'm sorry that you've not had a better experience with chat, but I can assure you all staff do moderate chat, and punish players accordingly. If you don't like the discussion in chat, and you believe it breaks Manacube's rules, please report it. Staff are there to help and moderate chat. If you don't like a conversation that is happening, but it is just a respectful discussion, please turn off chat with /hidechat or ignore individual players if you wish.

As BDO said, we try to sort out situations as fast as possible. It can be difficult with a large number of players involved.

What I do care about is people talking about rape, using slurs, and illegal topics which is a vast majority of the chat.
As stated in our rules, the usage of slurs and discussion of illegal topics isn't allowed, so if you see this happening in chat, please report it to a staff member so they can come monitor it and punish players accordingly.

Again, I don't think cutting off a large portion of the server from the ability to speak in chat is very helpful for the server. The staff are here for a reason, and part of that is to ensure that players are comfortable and the rules are being followed. It seems unfair to me that a majority of players can't speak simply because they're new to the server.
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Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
971 435
simple fix

Add a player limit but let elite ranks bypass.
Add a second pk server, for donators only but keep stats.
Update the goddamn tips cause who knows how long that hasn't been touched.

Dear Dacon/Pizza/Mo?

Please and I REPEAT PLEASE focus on stuff for parkour right now, the only fun recent update has been pvp in races. Parkour has felt dry since 2019, and Shinx is really the only reason it's alive. I've been wanting to see some more updates to parkour, Yes you have other gamemodes you can do, but can yall set them aside for 2 weeks and give parkour stuff to do.

Also one thing I'd like to point out.

Stop doing crates, ever since Sunset left, these crates have gone to shit. Parkour's crates where really good because SHE ACTUALLY ASKED CHAT WHAT WE WANTED IN THE CRATES. If you do keep doing crates, they won't be worth it anymore.

Fix god damn kit colors, that's a mess.
Give More Songs on /radio or /music.

Oh and don't forget to fix creative. They are on 1.13 world edit (which is hella fucking dumb) with 1.16/1.17 Version.

Kit players idk just rant about an update that is more important than what creative and parkour combined. Only kit update I want is season 9 map.


Forum Expert
Dec 6, 2015
263 9
just delete parkour chat as a whole we don't deserve it anymore


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2021
67 2
just delete parkour chat as a whole we don't deserve it anymore
But then how can I do my daily Dream argument D: