Cheese's Suggestion Corner


Dedicated Member
Feb 8, 2015
80 9
Okay, so I have a ton of suggestions for Creative and I don't know if they will become a possibility.

-Rank Chats:
Rank Chats are chats that certain types of rank can access This does not replace the original chat in Creative and can be accessed using /Chatrank (rank)!!! say if you were a Member, you would only have access to the Member Chat. if you're a Vast, you can access Member, Premium, VIP, and Legend. now if you were the Staff, you would have acess to all of them (or Sponsor would have access to all of them).

-Players drop their head while killed.
This one i'm going to use until I remember the rest. like most servers, if you kill someone, you get their head. I was wondering if you can do that with Creative so you can still get your head.

Actually that's it for now, i'll update it in the comments down below if I come up with anything