ClBR - QA Team Application [KitPvP]


Forum Expert
May 6, 2020
203 41
Your Minecraft Username

Discord username

What is the main realm you play on

When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like?
I embarked on my ManaCube adventure back in May of 2020, drawn in by the allure of its diverse game modes and vibrant community. Since then, my journey has been nothing short of an odyssey, filled with countless hours of gameplay and interaction. From the moment I stepped into this virtual world, I've immersed myself in its intricacies, exploring every nook and cranny, honing my skills, and forging lasting friendships along the way.

My activity on ManaCube isn't just a casual pastime; it's become a cornerstone of my gaming experience. Every day brings new challenges to conquer, new adventures to embark on, and new opportunities to engage with the community. Whether it's battling it out in PvP arenas, delving into the depths of challenging dungeons, or showcasing my creative prowess in build competitions, there's never a dull moment on ManaCube.

What sets my activity apart is not just the quantity, but the quality of my engagement. I don't just play for the sake of playing; I play with purpose and passion, striving to push the boundaries of what's possible and leave a lasting impact on the community. Whether I'm leading my team to victory in competitive events or lending a helping hand to newcomers, I'm always eager to contribute in any way I can.

Over time, my dedication and commitment to ManaCube have earned me a reputation as one of the most active and involved members of the community. My name frequently appears on leaderboards, my achievements are celebrated by fellow players, and my presence is felt in every corner of the server. But beyond the accolades and recognition, what truly drives me is the sense of belonging and camaraderie that ManaCube offers.

As I look back on my journey so far, I'm filled with gratitude for the countless memories and experiences that ManaCube has bestowed upon me. From the thrill of victory to the camaraderie of teamwork, every moment spent on this platform has been a treasure trove of joy and fulfillment. And as I continue to embark on new adventures and overcome new challenges, I know that my journey on ManaCube is far from over. It's a testament to the enduring allure of this virtual world and the boundless potential for growth and discovery that it offers to all who dare to explore it.

Why do you want to join the QA team?
I am keenly interested in joining the ManaCube KitPvP QA team because of my deep passion for both gaming and ensuring the highest quality gaming experience for players. As an avid player of ManaCube KitPvP, I have spent extensive time exploring the intricacies of the game mode, honing my skills, and immersing myself in its mechanics.

This firsthand experience as a player gives me valuable insights into the nuances of KitPvP gameplay, allowing me to identify potential issues, suggest improvements, and provide constructive feedback to enhance the overall player experience. I am highly detail-oriented and have a keen eye for spotting even the smallest bugs or inconsistencies that may affect gameplay.

Moreover, I am committed to contributing positively to the ManaCube community. By joining the QA team, I see an opportunity to directly impact the development process, helping to shape the future of KitPvP and ensure that it remains engaging, balanced, and enjoyable for all players.

In addition to my passion for gaming and attention to detail, I bring strong communication skills and a collaborative mindset to the table. I understand the importance of working closely with developers, fellow QA team members, and the broader community to address issues, implement improvements, and foster a positive gaming environment.

Overall, I believe that my combination of passion, experience, and dedication makes me a strong candidate for the ManaCube KitPvP QA team. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and knowledge to help make KitPvP the best it can be for players old and new alike.

Do you have any experience with game testing/quality assurance?
Yes, I do have experience with game testing and quality assurance. Over the years, I've participated in beta testing programs for various games across different platforms, providing feedback on gameplay mechanics, balance, bug reports, and overall user experience.

Additionally, I've been involved in volunteer testing initiatives for independent game developers, where I've helped identify and report issues, provided suggestions for improvements, and assisted in ensuring the overall quality of the games before release.

Furthermore, I have a strong understanding of QA methodologies and processes, including test case creation, regression testing, and issue tracking systems. I'm familiar with tools commonly used in QA testing, such as bug tracking software and version control systems.

My experience in game testing and quality assurance has equipped me with the necessary skills to thoroughly assess games, identify potential issues, and provide valuable feedback to help improve the overall gaming experience. I'm eager to apply my expertise and contribute to the success of ManaCube's KitPvP QA team.

What qualities or skills do you have that would contribute positively to the QA team?
I possess several qualities and skills that would contribute positively to the QA team:

  1. Attention to Detail: I have a meticulous eye for detail, allowing me to thoroughly examine gameplay mechanics, user interfaces, and overall game performance to identify even the smallest issues or inconsistencies.
  2. Analytical Thinking: I excel in analyzing complex systems and situations, enabling me to break down problems effectively, troubleshoot issues, and propose practical solutions.
  3. Communication Skills: I am an effective communicator, capable of articulating my observations, findings, and recommendations clearly and concisely. I understand the importance of collaboration and can work closely with developers and fellow QA team members to convey information effectively.
  4. Problem-Solving Abilities: I am adept at thinking creatively to solve problems and overcome challenges. Whether it's finding workarounds for bugs or suggesting innovative approaches to improve gameplay, I approach every issue with a solution-oriented mindset.
  5. Adaptability: I am flexible and adaptable, capable of quickly learning new tools, methodologies, and processes. I thrive in dynamic environments and can easily adjust to changing priorities and requirements.
  6. Passion for Gaming: As a passionate gamer myself, I have a deep understanding of player expectations and preferences. This allows me to provide valuable insights into enhancing the overall gaming experience and ensuring that games are enjoyable and engaging for players.
Overall, my combination of attention to detail, analytical thinking, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and passion for gaming makes me a valuable asset to the QA team. I am committed to contributing positively to the team's efforts to ensure the highest quality gaming experience for ManaCube players.

Would you be interested in writing Wiki articles? Yes

Account activity
My account has 10000+ hours played and is older than 10 years

Account agreement
I own a Microsoft minecraft account that is not shared with anyone

Security agreement I have a 2FA protected Discord & Google account

I am the undisputed king of ManaCube, ruling over the KitPvP realm with a firm hand and unyielding determination. For years, I've been at the helm of KitPvP, guiding its destiny and shaping its legacy. My reign isn't just a matter of chance; it's a testament to my unwavering commitment, unparalleled expertise, and boundless passion for the game.
From the very beginning, I've been leading the charge on the battlefield, dominating my opponents with skill and strategy. My prowess in combat is unmatched, and my name strikes fear into the hearts of all who dare to challenge me. I've proven time and again that I am the true master of KitPvP, and my reign shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
But my role goes beyond mere combat; I am also the heart and soul of the KitPvP community. I've fostered a thriving ecosystem of camaraderie, competition, and creativity, where players of all levels can come together to share in the thrill of battle. My leadership has inspired countless players to push themselves to new heights, driving the community forward and ensuring its continued success.
As the king of ManaCube KitPvP, I am dedicated to its ongoing prosperity. I tirelessly work to improve and expand the realm, organizing events, implementing new features, and pushing the boundaries of what KitPvP can achieve. My vision for the future is one of endless possibilities, and I will stop at nothing to see it realized.
In the end, my reign as the king of ManaCube is not just about power or prestige; it's about leaving a lasting legacy. I am the embodiment of everything that KitPvP stands for – skill, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of victory. And as long as there are battles to be fought and victories to be won, I will continue to lead the charge, ensuring that KitPvP remains the greatest realm in all of ManaCube.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
37 5
Very active player has been known for being number 1 on the pvp standard on kit, lots of knowledge experience and inquiry about the sub server
+1 will also make wiki articles need some of that


Feb 28, 2021
Your Minecraft Username

Discord username

What is the main realm you play on

When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like?
I embarked on my ManaCube adventure back in May of 2020, drawn in by the allure of its diverse game modes and vibrant community. Since then, my journey has been nothing short of an odyssey, filled with countless hours of gameplay and interaction. From the moment I stepped into this virtual world, I've immersed myself in its intricacies, exploring every nook and cranny, honing my skills, and forging lasting friendships along the way.

My activity on ManaCube isn't just a casual pastime; it's become a cornerstone of my gaming experience. Every day brings new challenges to conquer, new adventures to embark on, and new opportunities to engage with the community. Whether it's battling it out in PvP arenas, delving into the depths of challenging dungeons, or showcasing my creative prowess in build competitions, there's never a dull moment on ManaCube.

What sets my activity apart is not just the quantity, but the quality of my engagement. I don't just play for the sake of playing; I play with purpose and passion, striving to push the boundaries of what's possible and leave a lasting impact on the community. Whether I'm leading my team to victory in competitive events or lending a helping hand to newcomers, I'm always eager to contribute in any way I can.

Over time, my dedication and commitment to ManaCube have earned me a reputation as one of the most active and involved members of the community. My name frequently appears on leaderboards, my achievements are celebrated by fellow players, and my presence is felt in every corner of the server. But beyond the accolades and recognition, what truly drives me is the sense of belonging and camaraderie that ManaCube offers.

As I look back on my journey so far, I'm filled with gratitude for the countless memories and experiences that ManaCube has bestowed upon me. From the thrill of victory to the camaraderie of teamwork, every moment spent on this platform has been a treasure trove of joy and fulfillment. And as I continue to embark on new adventures and overcome new challenges, I know that my journey on ManaCube is far from over. It's a testament to the enduring allure of this virtual world and the boundless potential for growth and discovery that it offers to all who dare to explore it.

Why do you want to join the QA team?
I am keenly interested in joining the ManaCube KitPvP QA team because of my deep passion for both gaming and ensuring the highest quality gaming experience for players. As an avid player of ManaCube KitPvP, I have spent extensive time exploring the intricacies of the game mode, honing my skills, and immersing myself in its mechanics.

This firsthand experience as a player gives me valuable insights into the nuances of KitPvP gameplay, allowing me to identify potential issues, suggest improvements, and provide constructive feedback to enhance the overall player experience. I am highly detail-oriented and have a keen eye for spotting even the smallest bugs or inconsistencies that may affect gameplay.

Moreover, I am committed to contributing positively to the ManaCube community. By joining the QA team, I see an opportunity to directly impact the development process, helping to shape the future of KitPvP and ensure that it remains engaging, balanced, and enjoyable for all players.

In addition to my passion for gaming and attention to detail, I bring strong communication skills and a collaborative mindset to the table. I understand the importance of working closely with developers, fellow QA team members, and the broader community to address issues, implement improvements, and foster a positive gaming environment.

Overall, I believe that my combination of passion, experience, and dedication makes me a strong candidate for the ManaCube KitPvP QA team. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and knowledge to help make KitPvP the best it can be for players old and new alike.

Do you have any experience with game testing/quality assurance?
Yes, I do have experience with game testing and quality assurance. Over the years, I've participated in beta testing programs for various games across different platforms, providing feedback on gameplay mechanics, balance, bug reports, and overall user experience.

Additionally, I've been involved in volunteer testing initiatives for independent game developers, where I've helped identify and report issues, provided suggestions for improvements, and assisted in ensuring the overall quality of the games before release.

Furthermore, I have a strong understanding of QA methodologies and processes, including test case creation, regression testing, and issue tracking systems. I'm familiar with tools commonly used in QA testing, such as bug tracking software and version control systems.

My experience in game testing and quality assurance has equipped me with the necessary skills to thoroughly assess games, identify potential issues, and provide valuable feedback to help improve the overall gaming experience. I'm eager to apply my expertise and contribute to the success of ManaCube's KitPvP QA team.

What qualities or skills do you have that would contribute positively to the QA team?
I possess several qualities and skills that would contribute positively to the QA team:

  1. Attention to Detail: I have a meticulous eye for detail, allowing me to thoroughly examine gameplay mechanics, user interfaces, and overall game performance to identify even the smallest issues or inconsistencies.
  2. Analytical Thinking: I excel in analyzing complex systems and situations, enabling me to break down problems effectively, troubleshoot issues, and propose practical solutions.
  3. Communication Skills: I am an effective communicator, capable of articulating my observations, findings, and recommendations clearly and concisely. I understand the importance of collaboration and can work closely with developers and fellow QA team members to convey information effectively.
  4. Problem-Solving Abilities: I am adept at thinking creatively to solve problems and overcome challenges. Whether it's finding workarounds for bugs or suggesting innovative approaches to improve gameplay, I approach every issue with a solution-oriented mindset.
  5. Adaptability: I am flexible and adaptable, capable of quickly learning new tools, methodologies, and processes. I thrive in dynamic environments and can easily adjust to changing priorities and requirements.
  6. Passion for Gaming: As a passionate gamer myself, I have a deep understanding of player expectations and preferences. This allows me to provide valuable insights into enhancing the overall gaming experience and ensuring that games are enjoyable and engaging for players.
Overall, my combination of attention to detail, analytical thinking, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and passion for gaming makes me a valuable asset to the QA team. I am committed to contributing positively to the team's efforts to ensure the highest quality gaming experience for ManaCube players.

Would you be interested in writing Wiki articles? Yes

Account activity
My account has 10000+ hours played and is older than 10 years

Account agreement
I own a Microsoft minecraft account that is not shared with anyone

Security agreement I have a 2FA protected Discord & Google account

I am the undisputed king of ManaCube, ruling over the KitPvP realm with a firm hand and unyielding determination. For years, I've been at the helm of KitPvP, guiding its destiny and shaping its legacy. My reign isn't just a matter of chance; it's a testament to my unwavering commitment, unparalleled expertise, and boundless passion for the game.
From the very beginning, I've been leading the charge on the battlefield, dominating my opponents with skill and strategy. My prowess in combat is unmatched, and my name strikes fear into the hearts of all who dare to challenge me. I've proven time and again that I am the true master of KitPvP, and my reign shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
But my role goes beyond mere combat; I am also the heart and soul of the KitPvP community. I've fostered a thriving ecosystem of camaraderie, competition, and creativity, where players of all levels can come together to share in the thrill of battle. My leadership has inspired countless players to push themselves to new heights, driving the community forward and ensuring its continued success.
As the king of ManaCube KitPvP, I am dedicated to its ongoing prosperity. I tirelessly work to improve and expand the realm, organizing events, implementing new features, and pushing the boundaries of what KitPvP can achieve. My vision for the future is one of endless possibilities, and I will stop at nothing to see it realized.
In the end, my reign as the king of ManaCube is not just about power or prestige; it's about leaving a lasting legacy. I am the embodiment of everything that KitPvP stands for – skill, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit of victory. And as long as there are battles to be fought and victories to be won, I will continue to lead the charge, ensuring that KitPvP remains the greatest realm in all of ManaCube.
Cibr is one of the most active ppl on manacube and has been the king for as long 5 years, he also has a lot of experience with these things. +1


Forum Expert
May 6, 2020
203 41
Very active player has been known for being number 1 on the pvp standard on kit, lots of knowledge experience and inquiry about the sub server
+1 will also make wiki articles need some of that
thanks i know
Post automatically merged:

Cibr is one of the most active ppl on manacube and has been the king for as long 5 years, he also has a lot of experience with these things. +1
thanks ryan


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2022
21 4
Cibr is obviously very qualified, and he's played for a long time, so he knows lots more about kit than most people. He would be a great addition.