Custom Enchants [Suggestions]


Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2017
69 1

This a compilation of enchants that I think would be pretty cool if they were to be added on the ManaCube Factions server. For a while now, Manacube has been lacking in the new Custom Enchants. I had a lot of fun brainstorming these and I'd love to see what you think about them!

Before looking at the enchants, I would advise you to look at the notes below to provide context and to address any misunderstandings in the list.

NOTE #1: I do not in ANY way expect any of these enchants to actually be implemented. This was more of a fun experiment to test what the limits and creativity of what I could actually come up with.

NOTE #2: Yes some of these custom enchants are similar or even the exact same to other Factions servers as you will see in the list below, so bear that in mind. However some of these are “original” that I came up with.

NOTE #3: All of the percentages, and other numbers you see in this list are just placeholders to get the general idea of what enchant actually does. IF in the event ANY of these enchants were to be added on to the server, this list is not supposed to be some kind of Wikipedia. Some of these enchants when looking at could be heavily broken and need nerfs (when looking at the numbers). Basically just completely disregard the numbers, the concept of each enchant is what counts.

NOTE #4: In this list, “stacks” basically means if I were to put the enchant on multiple pieces of my armor for a full set. Not all of it would be active. (e.g if Overload III gave you additional 6 hearts and I have it on all of my pieces of armor, it wouldn’t give me 24 additional hearts on top of the 10 hearts you have by default, only one will apply)

NOTE #5: You will notice that I put a type of enchant rarity called “Ultimate”. I put that in there because I think they are either too overpowered for being an Elite Enchant but not strong enough for a Legendary Enchant.

Now without further ado, let's get on to the enchants!

Total enchants proposed: 31

(Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
Immune to Blindness, Slowness, and/or Mining Fatigue up to the clarity level (e.g Clarity II will not be immune to
Blindness III, Slowness III, etc)

Item: Chestplate

Stacks: No
(Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
When hit, you have the chance to teleport directly behind your opponent and deal +0.25 hearts depending on the

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
Ghost (Legendary) (Max Level: 1) -
Invisible to /near

Item: Helmet or Leggings

Stacks: N/A
Kill Aura
(Max Level: 5) -
A chance to kill multiple mobs in a single stack (+2%, +1 mob per level)

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
Last Stance (Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
If you are below 2 hearts, you will deal an extra +0.25 hearts to your enemy. Increases by level

Item: Any armor piece (Preferably helmet or chestplate)

Stacks: No
(Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
The more allies or in this case faction members near you, the more damage you do (e.g 5 members = +0.5 hearts)

Item: Any armor piece (Preferably chestplate)

Stacks: No
Repairing Guard (Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
When you remove a low durability piece of armor, you will gain 3 absorption hearts (depending on the level)

Item: Any armor piece

Stacks: No
(Legendary) (Max Level: 1) -
If an ally dies within a radius of 10 blocks, you have a chance of gaining Strength II for 5 seconds

Item: Any armor piece (Preferably Leggings)

Stacks: No
Tank (Legendary) (Max Level: 3) -
Decreases damage from axes (-5% per level)

Item: Chestplate

Stacks: N/A
Unfocus (Legendary) (Max Level: 2) -
A chance to target a player, reducing their bow damage by 50% (+25% per level)

Item: Bow

Stacks: N/A
Vampirism (Legendary) (Max Level: 5) -
A chance to heal you 2.5 hearts after you attack the target (+0.5 hearts, +1% per level)

Item: Axe

Stacks: N/A
Armored (Ultimate) (Max Level: 5) -
Decreases damages from swords (-0.25% per level)

Item: Any armor piece

Stacks: Yes
Marksman (Ultimate) (Max Level: 3) -
A chance to mark the target and deal more damage towards them (+0.25 hearts per level)

Item: Bow

Stacks: N/A
(Max Level: 5) -
Has the chance to heal your allies on your death for 3 seconds. Increases by level

Item: Leggings

Stacks: No
(Ultimate) (Max Level: 2 or 3) -
Has the chance to disabled the enemies debuffs directed at you

Item: Axe

Stacks: N/A
Smoke Bomb
(Max Level: 3) -
When below 1 heart, you give the enemy blindness for 3 seconds (+1 second & +3 seconds depending on the level). It
will also
give you Speed (also depending on the level)

Item: Any armor piece (Preferably Helmet)

Stacks: N/A
Sniper (Ultimate) (Max Level: 1) -
The further away you shoot an enemy, the more damage they take (per 10 blocks = +0.5-0.75 hearts)

Item: Bow

Stacks: N/A
(Ultimate) (Max Level: 2 or 3) -
Has the chance to disabled the enemies debuffs directed at you

Item: Axe

Stacks: N/A
Blessed (Elite) (Max Level: 4) -
Has the chance to remove all active debuffs, chances increase by level (e.g +2% per level)

Item: Axe

Stacks: Yes
Dodge (Elite) (Max Level: 3) -
The chance to dodge enemy attacks, chances increase by level

Item: Sword

Stacks: Yes
Execute (Elite) (Max Level: 2) -
Increase the damage you deal when your target is at <2 hearts (+0.25 hearts per level)

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
(Elite) (Max Level: 3) -
Can cause slowness to the victim when attacked

Item: Leggings

Stacks: N/A
Ragdoll (Elite) (Max Level: 3) -
Whenever, you take a significant amount of damage. You get pushed back. (starts at 2.5 hearts, +0.75 hearts per
level after that, +2 blocks knocked per level)

Item: Leggings

Stacks: N/A
Reflect (Elite) (Max Level: 3) -
The chance to dodge a hit and redirect the hit back to the victim and deal more damage (+1%, +0.25 hearts
per level)

Item: Sword

Stacks: Yes
(Elite) (Max Level: 3) -
Gives jump boost, increases by 1 per level

Item: Boots

Stacks: N/A
(Elite) (Max Level: 5) -
You gain more mcMMO exp (e.g Using a pickaxe and having trainer on it would give you more mining mcMMO)

Item: Any Tool/Weapon

Stacks: N/A
(Elite) (Max Level: 2) -
A chance to deal the wither effect to the victim

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
(Elite) (Max Level: 5) -
A chance to give slowness to the victim (+1% per level)

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
(Common) (Max Level: 3) -
A chance of mining fatigue on the victim (depending on the level)

Item: Axe

Stacks: N/A
Confusion (Common) (Max Level: 3) -
A chance to deal nausea to the victim

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A
Obliterate (Common) (Max Level: 2) -
Has the chance to deal extreme knockback to the victim

Item: Axe

Stacks: N/A
(Common) (Max Level: 3) -
You gain hunger from dealing damage to mobs

Item: Sword

Stacks: N/A

I want to know what you think about my suggestions for the server! Again I do not think any of these enchants will ever be added onto the server, however it was really fun brainstorming all of these enchants and the possibilities!

- Mushey

EDIT: Sorry if the colors are off, in the edit they look completely fine however in the final product it looks quite disorienting and I can't seem to find a way to fix it. Hope y'all understand. :)​


Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2017
69 1


Active Member
Jan 7, 2020
Very creative Mushey.
Some of them seem a bit too strong but we'll have to see it in action to judge that. I think some of these can be helpfull for sure!


Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2017
69 1
Very creative Mushey.
Some of them seem a bit too strong but we'll have to see it in action to judge that. I think some of these can be helpfull for sure!
Thanks! Like I said in the post (if you didn't see it) yea some of the enchants do look very broken. I was just experimenting like the overall concept of each enchant and see what yall thought about it!


Dedicated Member
Mar 9, 2020
37 5
WOW, ok first of all the fact that you made the post so well made impresses me already!
around 1/3 seema bit too overpowered but overall GREAT additions!!

i hope you alot of luck in maybe adding some of these custom enchants, i cant see dacon not adding atleast 2 or 3.

Much love,