Dear Server Admins/Mods/Owners

What should the admin/mods/ owners do?

  • Be more careful about who their Mods are.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Return my gear as it was none other then a server glitch long after i put it down.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Ignore me because U think mods are allowed to be assholes.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Mute me cus rn im absolutely tox and triggered and being provocative.

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
May 5, 2017
1 5
Hi my Ign is DeathlyElf.
Today I was and still am very upset. So I was in the process of taking out water of a small pool (i was in an air pocket) next to my cactus farm when suddenly I had to go. I came back and sure enough I was dead, Drowned. Now I was Carrying about 30 hoppers, a full set of prot 4 unbreak 3 depth strider 3, and resperation 3 diamond armour, A max silk touch pic, and a max grinding sword (which by the way I have had for over a month and am very upset to lose). Now as most people would do I told the mod on Manyrain who quickly looked in my inventory and saw a set equal to of which i had just lost. Now i got this set on to got retrieve the armour I had just lost, his response is, "Lol XD I can see your set in your inv rn.", Haha right coming from a mod you would think that maybe, Oh since he died in water he is going to retrieve it with that set since he can get it quickly. And may i remind U that i died in water, away from guardians and in an air pocket. Quickly His response too my frustration became a laughing stock. Im so glad that's how our mods treat people on this server, I am now a living meme and all because He made a mistake. U know what I would really love more then my armour back? To have a mod actually give a shit. *Cough* *Cough* (manyrain).


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2016
262 19
If you want to try and be stuble about who you talk about, then do it. Don't call me out if you try to be secretive.

I figured you had went back and grabbed the set after you died. You may have suffocated in a lilypad because I have not heard of a player dying randomly in water. You either did glitch into a lilypad, which happens to everyone and I don't know why, or your ping was very laggy and got you killed.

There is no need to say our mods are bad, our staff team is great.



Dedicated Member
Jan 14, 2017
211 11
For starters, there is absolutely no reason for you to be talking about a staff member like this, and making forum posts on such. If you really believe a staff member isn't doing their job you can make a staff report and Admins+ will look over the situation.

Secondly, we cannot help that you died, especially at your own hands, and there is nothing we can do in the way of getting your gear and other things back. I want you to realize that people lie about these things quite often, in order to get free things. We can not fix your situation, even if you didn't set yourself up to seem like you were lying, we couldn't have done anything. I am terribly sorry for the frustration this accident may have caused you, but my only advice to you is to not go afk in or near water again.


P.S. Manyrain is a girl.


Forum Expert
Apr 19, 2017
112 2
Sorry, I shouldn't be talking on here because it's not my business but I think staff had nothing to do with this!

1st, it's kinda your fault. Why would you afk in water? If it was a small pool just swim out and go afk on land it's not that hard.

2nd, you really shouldn't be blaming our lovely staff members. Exspecially Manyrain, she was probably just confused! You could've told her that you grabbed a second set of armor. If you would've just told her there wouldn't be his problem.


Edit: my reply looks sad.. compared to all staff replies! Why didn't I do a bigger, more detailed reply..
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Active Member
Jul 10, 2016
62 1
Mods really do care about the players, as it is our job is to help everyone have a fun experience on the server. With a mod such as Manyrain, I can assure you that she would not have treated you as such.

However if that DID happen to be the case, you are always welcome to report a staff member if you believe they were abusing their powers here:

Best wishes,


Forum Master
Aug 15, 2016
668 9
Look, the entire staff team does look out deeply for players. We do the best we can do to protect you all, and to punish the ones who are trying to break it. We try to provide fun experiences for all players. Manyrain is an amazing staff member, and she would never mean to actually say that all in that way. Of course, she has been having rough times, but that doesn't mean she would be rude.

Like Rainbow stated, we can't help fully with that situation. In my opinion, you should have gotten to a much better location. I know you suddenly had to go, but a quick run to a safe place never hurts. If you do believe that something was wrong, feel free to click on the Report A Staff Member link in my signature, under the picture. (Scroll down in my signature.)

Apr 17, 2017
Dear all mods and higher
me and my brother Colourful_gaming and Anoyed got the new zulrah egg we got 6. Now my brother Colourful killed one and got the chest and sucsessfully opened it. then killed 3 more and desided to save up the chests and when he opened it, it placed on the ground it didnt open???
Then i fought it and killed it and i got to the place were u collect the chest in way under 15 seconds and i couldnt even open the chest. I dont want to say its a scam but my brother and i want a refund of 5 new eggs thank you


Forum Expert
Jan 15, 2017
191 43
Dear all mods and higher
me and my brother Colourful_gaming and Anoyed got the new zulrah egg we got 6. Now my brother Colourful killed one and got the chest and sucsessfully opened it. then killed 3 more and desided to save up the chests and when he opened it, it placed on the ground it didnt open???
Then i fought it and killed it and i got to the place were u collect the chest in way under 15 seconds and i couldnt even open the chest. I dont want to say its a scam but my brother and i want a refund of 5 new eggs thank you
Hey, this isnt the place to put this :p
You can make a thread on it