Hello there,
Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected.
Points that influenced the decision:
- The theme can be found a few times on the server, so make sure
- The build is really simple yet not too appealing. Especially the build at the end, it's not clear as to what it is and is just pretty messy. This could also be due to the theme, so I'd recommend using a theme with an easier build next time. Also, the floating blocks are mostly what makes it messy.
- The jumps, excluding the last neo, don't fit the hard difficulty. I'd say its either easy or medium, leaning more towards the medium difficulty. There's some variety in jumps, there are soul sand, ladder and neos. Keep variety like this going in future courses and you should be fine.
- The course is pretty short regarding the length. The length indicates it to be an easy course, medium because of the difficulty of the jumps. To make it hard difficulty, I'd still expand the length and add more jumps with the same grade of difficulty as the others.
Thanks again for submitting, we'd love to see another map sometime soon, so don't hesitate on making and submitting another one. :)
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, just PM me here on the forums or on Discord.