Rejected Dungeon Parkour map submission [Medium]

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Dedicated Member
Feb 5, 2016
I'm giving this a -1

It's a coherent parkour course and it's fun to play

  • Lots of floating jumps
  • The trees are default oak trees with roots added on
  • Extremely unoriginal theme. There are many many dungeon / temple themed parkours. To be specific, there are 10. oof.
  • Doesn't really resemble a dungeon
  • Not much jump variation (some ladder and fence jumps, but not many)
Usually I put my suggestions here, but due to the unoriginal theme, I don't see this map being accepted in any state.

Here's some important points for any other maps you make in the future!
  • Make your jumps more interesting. Try not to have 3 similar jumps (For example, ladder towers) in a row so that you don't make the player bored. The best blocks (in my opinion) to use are iron bars, glass panes, soul sand, ice, fences, heads, and trapdoors.
  • Avoid floating jumps. Although some of the older courses on the server have floating jumps, the standards have increased since then. This is not to say you should never use floating jumps, just that you should avoid them as much as possible.
  • Avoid using barriers to block people off from reaching areas (Barrier parkour is OK if done correctly).
Good luck!
May 14, 2019
You actually let me test this map, and I thank you for that! But I sadly have to give this a -1, even though it was fun to test!

-There was no confusing jumps
-Had a simple flow to other sections.

-Yet as I told you when tested, it didn't feel as a dungeon at all. A lot of the parts happened to be OUTSIDE of the main building, when you think of a dungeon, you tend to think of a inside broken down labryirinth, not built around outdoors (It feels more of a broken down church, if anything
-To many floating jumps, I suggested to add more pillars, or not to make it as tall, yet seemed to be ignored
-Needs variation
-To many dungeon themes!

I'd go back and fix it up, look over the cons other people including myself noted IF you decide to keep it as a "dungeon", since it doesn't feel as so. I'd also say it's an Easy rather than a Medium, yet that's personal call.

I wish you the best of the best with your map and future maps!


SrMod | Parkour Manager
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Sep 6, 2017
695 11
Hoi Kaaspannenkoek,
Sorry to tell you that your map have been rejected.
The theme is not that original, even if there is no "Dungeon" maps, there is still some maps with a similar theme (ForestTemple for example), the build is not really good, I found the dungeon itself pretty good, but the problem is all your parkour is floating around the build, making your map messy and unattractive, please try building your parkour on/in the build. The parkour is not really good too, it's quite repetitive in my opinion (For exaple, most of your map is normal jumps, and at the end, there is only cobble wall jumps.), try using ice, soul sand, iron bars, water..

Thanks for submitting your map, would be really good to see more maps from you !
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