Rejected Easy-Medium Parkour course

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Forum Master
Mar 13, 2015
169 8
Okay, firstly, you haven't followed any of the map requirements shown in the map requirements thread -

You need to give us information like -

How many jumps there are?
What is the course theme?
How many checkpoints are there?

I played through the course myself, so here's some feedback so you can improve it before the mods come and review it -

- Too many jumps. You have way too many jumps in that course for an easy/medium. The recommended amount of jumps for a medium map is 40-65 jumps. You have gone over that limit, and as such, the course felt tediously long to play through, considering if it were put on the server, it would be for just 20 gems.

- The theme... Rainbow courses are overused. Lots of map submissions I've seen feature rainbow courses, and unless it's fantastic, there's a high chance it may get either ignored or rated down. Try to add a bit more variety into the theme to spice it up, because as it stands, it feels like the Rainbow Wool Hard course from the actual server, just without the giant sun.

- Various blocks that don't need to be there. You have a surplus of blocks that really are not needed to continue the course. Also, you can shortcut the area in the light blue wool where you jump under the ceiling, so you don't have to do those jumps. This map needs to be more thoroughly tested to avoid these issues.

- You used the exact same set of corner ladder jumps that spiral up around six times, each getting longer than the last. It was tedious and more boring, if anything. Remove those jumps or make them tougher, and they could work really nicely.

+ On the plus side, your course definitely has an easy/medium feel with the various jumps. You almost never pull out four block jumps, which is good, and you give fair space for a run and jump to complete any 4 blockers, or 3 apart, 1 up, jumps. Good job there.

+ You spiced it up well with fence posts. I liked these sections, but they were few and far between. I'd maybe consider adding some more fencepost sections, rather than mini-one off jumps of three.

+ You had adequate checkpoints and the course was reasonably wide, as it stretched upwards, rather than sideways, which is a plus when submitting a map.

Overall - I think this map could be fairly good, however at the moment, it feels a little too basic and rather long for the difficulty you are suggesting. Try to cut down on the amount of jumps, make the course more short and sweet, and check for any blocks that aren't actually needed for parkour, since they just waste space.

Good luck in getting an official review from the mods though,

~ Billybo10000 (Pokezelda) A parkour enthusiast.


Mod | Map Judge
Jan 17, 2015
160 5

Because Of The Above Reasons. ^

You can always try again! :D

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