Everything That Happened Since November 16th


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
Lately I have been spending some more time talking to old friends on Manacube because I was going to get unbanned on the forums. Many friends, that will remained unnamed, would send me screenshots of random players, or staff, talking about me in chat, which happened to be quiet frequently. I was often looking at these screenshots shaking my head and asking myself: What the f%&!? Many of these players got the idea that I had duped so much on Survival that 2.0 had to have a mini reset because I caused to much of a problem. Others think that I'm some sort of anonymous hacker that DDOSED Dacon and the server until he gave me MVP or something, and many more stories. I know this sounds like a stretch but I have been able to pinpoint exactly where this problem has started from, and that is the Manacube staff. The staff team has made me sound like some sort of liberal rights terrorist fighting for anything to bring Manacube and its players down, which is completely untrue. I love Manacube, in fact, I am one of the only players that has stayed in the community for this long, which happens to be three years. Do you think that hacker, duper, whatever the survival randies call me these days, would have such a vendetta against Manacube, that I keep persisting to come back over the span of months, not giving up and trying to prove my innocence just to hack, dupe, lie to staff, be whatever the survival randies call me these days?

I think a normal person would answer no, but many staff members on Manacube would answer yes, which is extremely illogical and I would like to prove that now. The whole problem with me on Manacube started when I was demoted on November 16th, 2016, I was demoted for abusing a bug which can still be argued over the legitamacy of but I will not go into it, however I'm sure a Manacube staff member will reply with something like, "You were demoted cuz u were bad staff, u were banned cuz u break rules." I'm sure this staff was just accepted two weeks ago and got told the whole (baised) scoop about me by Manyrain, my best friend and favorite mod. After being demoted I was very disapointed but kept playing Manacube with one of my closest friends, Watermelooaan. Melon and I were helpers together at one point and always had fun on survival.

We got bored of Manacube for a while but came back around Christmas time for Survival 2.0. We were so hyped, we had a small party of good players, and a game plan. The start of the new Survival was great, we got so many spawners and we were the top party. But there was one problem, we were the top party. A few days into Survival it was evident that staff was not believing the legitimacy of the items we had and wanted answers. This is when they turned to RonanAshMancer, a helper on survival and a member in my party at the time. Ronan took a screenshot of our discord which was then sent to high staff and I was banned. The screenshot was me talking with a member in my party, ItzKerna. Kerna and I were speaking of what was going on, which was that Dacon was roaming around our base checking to see if we duped. Kerna, an uninformed party member, thought that we did dupe and said something like "Deny it to the ground" this screenshot was taken out of context and I was permanently banned for "Abusing glitches and lying to staff" I then wrote an appeal that prove everything wrong and staff seemed to be very mad that I had proved them wrong.

After being given reviewing in the first ten minutes I was happy because I knew that some non-corrupt staff were fighting for me. The problem was, I had to wait five days to be unbanned. If you are familiar with server resets. particularly survival, you need a good start if you want to be a very powerful party, which is what me and my members had the idea of doing. To give you guys something connect this, I left survival with my party in first place on p top, around 15mil, united in second with maybe 10mil, I came back 5 days later, my party had 25mil, and united had 40. This was a huge problem because I knew we would have grown much more, maybe even been in first place if I had been there. I know many players may say "What could you have done that made your party do better, United is just too good." No, in fact the only thing that makes United good is the amount of active players they have, if any party have over 40 active members it would be very easy to grow to what they have. I am a very competitive person, and losing these five key days got me angry, during the time my appeal was in reviewing, I talked to a few staff members that still liked me, many said that it would be idiotic not to accept my appeal because I completely proved the screenshots wrong and gave full context to the situation and conversation. If people want to see the appeal, I will put a screenshot of it at the end of this thread. After being unbanned I started grinding, alot. I was shooting up in money and so was my party, and staff felt they needed to get involved.

I knew staff was at my base alot, and they were watching me. While grinding, I was constantly teleported around my base and could see staff on the survival map. I didn't understand at the time, but they were trying to catch me using kill aura. It was evident that I was using some type of macro, in which I was. Me being my selfish, tryharding self, I felt that I deserved to use these bannable things because I had been banned. However, I was wrong, there was no reason for myself to be using any sort of macro, it simply wasn't fair either way, I was banned, I had to deal with it. In my latest appeal, I tried to make up with staff but nothing has changed. In this thread I may have sounded like I was trying to clear my name but in fact I am not. I am trying to make up with the entire community of Manacube.

I have been banned on the forums for two months, during that time I was able to starting writing this thread and try to change and become a better person. I think that this thread, and my attitude on the forums in the future, will really make or break my chances of coming back to Manacube, which I so dearly would like. I hope that many of you will be able to open up to me. I know there are many new players here that don't even know me but may have been told by players or staff that I am evil and a bad person. But I would like to try make peace with the players on Manacube if you know me or not. My friends Watermelooaan and PedroPedreiro will be releasing a book in the Survival auction house that they wrote. These are two of my closest friends right now and I try to talk to them as much as I can to stay updated with the Manacube community. The books will be able to be bought for a very small price and I would appreciate if you read it and only bought one.

If you read this entire thread I would like to thank you because that means that you want to hear both sides and not the banter that you heard in chat one day. Thanks,

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Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2016
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Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2015
133 4
I actually read it and even though I only know you from when you used to play Skyblock, I don't believe you would want to hurt the server in any way, so hopefully you can get unbanned. :)


Dedicated Member
Jan 14, 2017
211 11
My question is, if you have evidence that you were playing legit, why tf are staff going against that? The evidence is right in front of them 'zwart op wit'!!

LUL corrupt staff 2k17 LUL
If you're even being serious...

If you believe that there is a corrupt staff member, then I suggest you do a staff report and it will get looked into, unless you are just making these biases based off of an angry kids rant. There is a link in my signature to report a staff member, if you need it. Although I can asure you that the staff team isn't corrupt, and they are full of some of the most amazing people I have ever met.

I'm also willing to discuss further with you if you have any questions or concerns, or I can direct you to a higher staff member.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
If you're even being serious...

If you believe that there is a corrupt staff member, then I suggest you do a staff report and it will get looked into, unless you are just making these biases based off of an angry kids rant. There is a link in my signature to report a staff member, if you need it. Although I can asure you that the staff team isn't corrupt, and they are full of some of the most amazing people I have ever met.

I'm also willing to discuss further with you if you have any questions or concerns, or I can direct you to a higher staff member.
I love the disrespect I am already getting within the first day. I'm not sure what I did to you. I haven't even met you. I really don't appreaciate how you have treated me on the forums and I think I deserve a bit more respect.


Dedicated Member
May 30, 2016
262 19
I love the disrespect I am already getting within the first day. I'm not sure what I did to you. I haven't even met you. I really don't appreaciate how you have treated me on the forums and I think I deserve a bit more respect.
How exactly is this disrespect? He was telling you what to do if you believe there are corrupted staff. Rainbow is new, he made a mistake with one warning but you of all people should understand staff makes mistakes.

Have a nice day Cheech, welcome back to the forums.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2015
284 38
How exactly is this disrespect? He was telling you what to do if you believe there are corrupted staff. Rainbow is new, he made a mistake with one warning but you of all people should understand staff makes mistakes.

Have a nice day Cheech, welcome back to the forums.
"Angry kid's rant" was very unnessecary to the situation.


Dedicated Member
Mar 13, 2017
171 5
Hello, @Cheechmoted. I know I do not know you and that I was not on the server around the time of these situations happened but what you have written above it does sound like you're really sorry about it and that you really want to be back. I am open and the staff here are open as well. But I think you do understand why the staff here will keep tabs on you and that all they try to do is their job role and that is to keep the abusers away from the server and assist people.

I am not hating on you because again I was not around when the situation was present and that links to me not knowing you. Yes, I would give another chance to prove you have changed disregarding the times you have been punished for abusing the server in the ways that are stated: "against the rules".

But if you abused the server in some way again I think I am being fair here but I think that is a full permanent ban because we can't keep trusting people who abuse the service that is provided. End of the day we are here to have fun and we do not want people to spoil that experience for everyone else and that is very fair to say.

But from all of that, I do look forward to seeing you around and being able to get to know you at least. I just hope that all this isn't just a waste because even though it is the rules it is still sad to have someone banished from the community but if you break the rules then there is nothing that can be done about it.


Dedicated Member
Nov 7, 2015
71 4
I actually did end up reading the whole thing. I really, honestly, feel for you and wish you could come back to the server. I've been here since around 2014 as well but have been playing on and off. I do remember you though.

Honestly, you deserve a chance. I too have used hacks in times of frustration and when I felt like I needed more (course, not on this server). We both know how that feels. The server I hacked on never gave me a second chance, and I accept that, but am still very sad. I appreciate the long thread that you made (read all of it, haha). It does look like people are kind of throwing shade at you, but I'm not gonna take sides here, because I don't know all of the true story. Your story could be biased, but so could other people's stories.

Anyway, I hope they give you a chance. All servers should be able to accept that we are human, have emotions, and make mistakes. All people do, and all people at least deserve a second chance. If the world didn't give us people a second chance, we'd all be gone, a thousand times over. So, yeah, hope you make it back here.

Good luck on getting unbanned <3


Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2016
53 6
I really hope that you get unbanned Cheech. Even though I haven't met you in the game, I am hoping to in the near future. :p. I know that you weren't duping for a fact.

Good Luck on getting unbanned!



Dedicated Member
Jan 14, 2017
211 11
"Angry kid's rant" was very unnessecary to the situation.
No disrespect was meant to be given, and the comment was not directed at you but at the other player. You're obviously angry, but if you feel that strongly about it, feel free to PM me in discord at Rainbow_Firefly#1886 and I can further discuss things with you there


Dedicated Member
Nov 7, 2015
71 4
No disrespect was meant to be given, and the comment was not directed at you but at the other player. You're obviously angry, but if you feel that strongly about it, feel free to PM me in discord at Rainbow_Firefly#1886 and I can further discuss things with you there
Cheech is banned on discord. Feels bad :(
Maybe trying a conversation here on the forums, it'd work out a tiny bit better.


Dedicated Member
Jan 14, 2017
211 11
Cheech is banned on discord. Feels bad :(
Maybe trying a conversation here on the forums, it'd work out a tiny bit better.
Oh dear, that doesn't mean he can't use discord as itself! Manacube doesn't run discord ❤️ Just because you are banned from a server, doesn't mean discord doesn't allow you to privately message others, join other servers, or create your own.


Dedicated Member
Nov 7, 2015
71 4
Oh dear, that doesn't mean he can't use discord as itself! Manacube doesn't run discord ❤️ Just because you are banned from a server, doesn't mean discord doesn't allow you to privately message others, join other servers, or create your own.
Sorry! I thought you were talking about the community Discord. Thank you for reminding me about that, I had just completely forgotten :confused: And, not to sound rude or anything, but was I just called "dear"? :eek: Or was it more like an, "oh dear..."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
72 2
Thats a lot of words


Forum Expert
Jan 15, 2017
191 43
I actually read all of it Cheech, and I didnt actually know you were banned this whole time.
From what I read in this, I think you should get another chance.
