God I am Sorry - Explanation


Forum Expert
Feb 13, 2016
159 26
Look - I know it can be hard to take me seriously. Sometimes I rage and rant over seemingly small things. I really want to apologize to everyone I've bombarded and insulted... I know it sucks to be insulted and disrespected as I find myself disrespected a lot, on this server quite a bit and occasionally in real life. I want to help explain why I'm so quick to get angry at this server, and thus occasionally blow up and nuke the chat down. The point of this is not to make a sob story and try to make everyone feel bad, I know what I've done is bad and I'll step up and apologize to ANYONE who's gotten either torn into or gotten caught it crossfire. This post is truly to help apologize and clear things up.

--- This next part could be controversial, I am requesting that everyone reads the whole thing before replying --- Thanks

When I first joined Minevast, it really was nothing like it was today, in my opinion, it was much, much better. Most people don't know because they haven't been playing that long. If you know me, you know I've been a dedicated player for over 2 years. I have over 20 days on this server. This platform has shaped who I am as a person and I absolutely love it. Most of the time...
About 8-12 months ago, when lovely Minevast changed to Manacube - A lot of people (especially donators, a lot of my friends as well) - quit (I was tempted to myself). I personally purchased a $200 sponsor rank in October 2015 (it was on sale). A lot of donator perks were always disappearing leading up to the server shift due to "EULA" (Mojang restrictions). People were already kind of confused and pissed off. When it shifted to Manacube, it was like a nuke dropped on donators.
All donators had been promoted to VIP or VIP+. Sponsors ($200) were promoted to VIP+. Many MORE perks were totally lost with VIP+ (granted there was some compensation with new perks). At first there was just a collective groan but gradually many, many donators left due to the loss of Minevast and perks. But no one was SUPER mad until the new MVP rank came out ($150 I believe). MVP was basically the Manacube Sponsor rank, so the Minevast top-dogs (sponsors) were demoted into mid-class. That wasn't the worst of it however. Many perks lost with VIP+, ranks that had been PURCHASED for TWO HUNDRED dollars, were included with MVP. Almost all Minevast donators who hadn't already quit decided to quit right then. All of a sudden it sank in. Sponsors had kind have been (maybe a bit of an exaggeration) scammed. They payed for ranks that they once had, then lost to VIP+ and due to "EULA". So now if a Sponsor ($200) wanted their perks back, they would have to pay ANOTHER $50 for the VIP+ to MVP upgrade. So many people were upset, some were at a loss of words, many were livid and just quit. Many were my true Minecraft friends, people I loved and considered dear to my heart, gone, just gone, because of the elaborate trick that Sponsor ---> VIP+ was.
I am not trying to start arguments or receive hate (I've gotten enough) with the story of Minevast donators. This is really what effected hundreds of people, many of my friends. This is why I get so upset at Manacube for seemingly little things. It stole my perks, my friends, my server, and nothing's coming back. I hope that everyone I've been pissy to and treated like a jackass can hopefully understand me a little bit better. That being said I'm still VERY sorry to anyone who I've gone at maliciously, my most sincere apologies - I hope that this helps clear things up a bit better. 52S - A legit Minevast Sponsor


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's all right, it's nice to see you are saying sorry to everyone and taking responsability for your actions. I hope we can end this chapter and move on. Also I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friends, but that is why Manacube is so great! There is a lot of other nice people to meet and befriend.
Have a nice day.