Hi there Jacob,
Im sorry to tell ya your map has been
There is not a clear
THEME for your map, I'd advise you create a map with a more distinct theme. You can check up on already accepted maps here:
BUILD of your map is lacking in detail and depth, try to create a main build to incorporate your parkour around.
PARKOUR is an issue, it's mainly floating which is no longer accepted on Manacube. Secondly, it fits the difficulty and length of a medium so that's good (you didn't specify this, so I'm assuming this is the difficulty). Next, the blocks used within the parkour jumps lack variety. I advise the use of blocks such as fence gates, ice, piston heads, water, fences and trapdoors to spice up your parkour and make it more enjoyable.
Thank you for the submission, I hope to see more from you. Have a wonderful day ! [Josh]