Very recently I've been noticing a lot of grades in creative thankfully, which only leads me to wonder if we could do group builds for a grade. I read this idea in the creative discord text channel earlier and I thought it would be cool to be graded with a partner or maybe a group of 3 or 4. I think this would encourage people in the creative server to work together to make something better than a lag plot or just have more fun working towards big goal, I can understand how when one person gets graded they have the grade displayed in front of their IGN so I don't know exactly where we could put group project grades. Maybe if the 2 people who wanted to build a plot together were both C rank and they built a B rank plot together they could both have a B in front of their name, but it would also be hard to tell who puts in more work and things of that nature. I have no idea how the plugin for the grades work but this was just an idea I though everyone on the forums should know about.