Has anyone ever completed Castle Insane?


Mar 29, 2015
45 11
If you're not Skilled or higher, you cannot play this map. Just a reminder.
If you are Skilled or higher, you have probably attempted the horror of Hell, Castle Insane. You probably never got to the third checkpoint, the first one around the Castle exterior. You may have not even gotten to the first checkpoint, on the Castle gate. This is probably the second hardest map in the server, the first being that crappy cobble Insane thing.
Well, after chewing on the beginning occasionally over five months, I reached the fourth and even the fifth checkpoint today. And I'm going to provide you with some powerful knowledge.

Don't ever attempt this map. It is a living Hell, Hell on Earth, a horror created by Satan that is so beyond belief that you could not recreate it or even imagine the extent of this terror. If you can't reach the third checkpoint, you'll never succeed. And being realistic here, I am an extremely good parkourist. I have come across maybe two people of my caliber. Famous youtubers don't compare to me. That vikkstar guy isn't close to my level. So take it from me, if I have to spend like half a year grinding this map without success, you cannot do this map.

Let me describe the horrors of this map some more.

Here is the checkpoint I am currently at. I can get to maybe a little past halfway to the next checkpoint. Now I'm going to describe the steps it takes to get there.
The paragraph below is not necessary to read, but better describes how horrible this map is.
First, you have to do these four easy water parkour craps. Then comes the strange water to ladder jump which you will complete one in ten times, if you're as good as I am. Beyond that, you get to extremely difficult ladder jumps, a 3 in by 1 (Jump three blocks, and go to your inside by one block to hit the ladder) and a 2 in by 2 - 1. (Jump two blocks, and go inside by 2 blocks to hit the ladder, but it is on a lower elevation by one block) Beyond that, you get some moderate ladder jumps (Moderate to me, probably hell to you) and a strange ladder jump after that which I don't think is on ANY other map in the game. After that, a some simple fence jumps into a very long and difficult fence to ladder jump in which you must go in by 2 blocks. After that, some easy ladder work, into some hard ladder in-by's. That's where you get to the 9 or 10 Roundfence + 1 jumps (Fence to fence around a block, you must jump up by 1 block.) I don't know what happens after that, but probably the checkpoint.
The last checkpoint comes after this one, and I don't know what horrors that part holds.
Well, that's the best way to describe the map. Never try it. I don't know if anyone has ever completed it. If you have, I need to have your autograph.
TL;DR Never do this map, it is a living Hell and you will not succeed even after grinding it for 40 years. Maybe on the 41st year you can do it, but still I don't recommend it.


Mar 29, 2015
45 11
I have made the sixth checkpoint. I am a living legend. Bow down to me.

EDIT: Okay never mind I am actually the true God and conquerer of Hell.
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