IamMantaRae - QA Team Application [Survival]


Active Member
Dec 29, 2020
24 1
Your Minecraft Username

Discord username

What is the main realm you play on

When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like?
I started playing Manacube on December 24th, 2020. My playtime is on and off right now due to waiting for survival reset, but I'm trying to be online more often.

Why do you want to join the QA team?
I would love to add and be apart of something more on Mana, it has been an amazing server so far and i would love to see it grow more. I think it would be a great way to be connected more to the community and get to know everyone more.

Do you have any experience with game testing/quality assurance?
In the past I've helped develop a server, and was apart of a staff team on a different one. This gives me experience in what goes into servers, behind the scenes, any issues or bugs that may appear, or even just the connection with communities to hear their input.

What qualities or skills do you have that would contribute positively to the QA team?
I have been apart of our survival community since December 2020 and have been keeping up with mana mechanics, as well as regular Minecraft mechanics since then.
I have a strong leadership personality and am always willing to share my opinion. I'm always willing to take feedback and listen to what people have to say.
I'm also experienced with OBS and good with getting proof, screenshots, and taking in information for reference or evidence.
I may lurk sometimes, but even during those times i am very observant to what is going on with out player base and the server around me to stay updated and be aware.
Overall i love staying in touch and communicating with our staff, player base, and am always willing to send a message and check if I'm unsure or even just to inform people of information i have.

Would you be interested in writing Wiki articles? No

Account activity
My account has 100+ hours played and is older than 1 month

Account agreement
I own a Microsoft minecraft account that is not shared with anyone

Security agreement I have a 2FA protected Discord & Google account


Active Member
Dec 29, 2020
24 1
I heard toxic things about her maybe that should be considered.
Hey! I'm really sorry if I've seemed toxic towards anyone. I can't deny it, I have been a little in the past but I can assure you it's different now. Thank you!