Hey curtis18264,
I'm sorry to have to tell you that your map has been REJECTED. The theme is not particularly original, but the way you twist it and make it unique compensates for it somewhat so it's okay. The build is not incredibly attractive due to the use of the same blocks which are primarily grass, dirt, and cobblestone. Of course, I understand the limitations due to the theme, but there could be much better execution build-wise. I definitely understand what you were going for, a sort of cool get out of the mazy type of map, which I found enjoyable at times. Still, there are multiple issues with the PK. I think there are too many difficult jumps for it to be a medium, so I'd recommend nerfing those. There are no checkpoints, the PK can get very very confusing at times, and it lacked variation in the jumps and blocks utilized. If I'm being honest, I got really tired of doing the same type of jumps over and over again. It was cool at first but it lost its thing. I do believe there's a possibility of this map getting accepted if it undergoes a very serious revamp. Nevertheless, I hope to see more submissions from you in the future!