Just A Few Suggestions


Active Member
Dec 23, 2021
13 20
So lately I have been very curious about a couple of things revolving the Olympus Prisons server on ManaCube, and some things that could possibly be done to improve an already existing thing within the game, and that's the current state of money.

First off, I understand /pay is disabled for obvious reasons, to prevent boosting, rebirth boosting, etc. but I think it could be implemented in some other areas.

I think it would be a cool addition if they added money to coinflips, that could then give the players another alternative for a "quick shot" at getting some money through /cf instead of long days of mining. And since it's a 50/50 chance, there's no way it could be boosted. I know this isn't something "essential" but it could be a cool addition just as another option for the /cf command.

And speaking of coinflips, this is where my next thing comes in. When doing the /cf command, currently as of writing this (01/17/22) there is a tax on all earnings, I believe it's 7.0% If I recall correctly. Now this tax currently has no purpose, but there's a very easy way to give it a purpose. I Believe it would be an incredible idea to add a lottery type system to the server, whether that be implemented with mana (which most players would probably prefer) or with the money (which could be implemented after the first thing I mentioned). This lottery could be weekly, or every few days or whatever, or even monthly. I think this lottery system could then give purpose to the tax rates, or players could purchase a limited number of tickets using mana or money, or even cubits. This would give more purpose to money, mana and cubits, as well as the coinflip tax. It would create a new thing that players could look forward to, and once again, another way for a player to get a chance to "win big" rather than mine all day or week.

Now obviously I am no developer, I don't understand the full implications of doing these, but I think they would be fairly easy, and would do a lot for the server. I think it just makes sense because it gives more purpose to all the currencies in game, and would create something the community could always look forward to. Thank you for reading this, and let me know what you all think about it on this post, do you think it would be a good addition to Olympus Prisons?


Active Member
Dec 29, 2020
52 8
I personally think that a money cf would defeat the purpose of the Oly server. Yes, it would give players a quick shot at money, but the whole purpose of prisons is to mine, so of course to get money requires long days of mining.

I think the tax is to prevent players from abusing cf to pay others. If there was no tax on cfs, people could use this to essentially "pay" other players working around /pay being disabled, with no repercussions such as losing a bit of mana.

There was a lottery system in previous seasons, which was nice, and was a nice way to implement SOME sort of money reward. I think it could be cool to bring this back, but definitely not essential.

Good ideas, but I just think they would defeat the purpose of the Oly server a bit!