Just some minor suggestions


Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2015
97 13
I've been stalking the forums over the past week or so and in time have had a few things I wanted to be implemented but did not feel they needed their own entire thread. This thread is my solution :p

Suggestion #1: Add rules to the rules page on the website. I don't know if the rule page was bugged and all the information was deleted or someone created it and never got around to finishing it but it doesn't have any rules and it confused me. Also the rules from the [Important] Forum Rules (posted by Jack) should be added on this page as I didn't know they existed prior to stumbling onto them.
Link to the Forum Rules http://forums.minevast.com/threads/forum-rules.89/

Suggestion #2: Add a Forums Suggestions/Server Suggestions (a place where people can suggest things for the entire server such as Emoji's in Chat (yes that was a stupidly awesome suggestion)).

I had a few more not as important ones that if I remember I will be sure to edit them in.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
~Cheech <3