Lets get Controversial with Staff part 5?


Forum God
Jul 30, 2019
557 20
Hey yall! This took me a bit longer than a few days, but welcome back to another post of some controversial questions! Thank you to all staff for participating, it was really fun :)


"I mean I guess it depends on how well trained the chickens are, like if you had 100 ninja chickens then maybe they could take down an elephant but if you had 600 untrained chickens then i don't think they could take down an elephant. Maybe if you had a small room and filled it with 5000 chickens and one elephant then the elephant would suffocate. Also why are we killing the elephants? Save the elephants." - Lighthoused

"Approximately 14" - MCBYT

"A team of 7 elite chickens" - ChaoticPhoenix

"1." - Venom

"4" - TeamJacob

"420" - Rory

"86." - Twix

"at least 2. Those things have POINTY beaks" - Hallow

"None. The elephant always wins." - Boomclaw

"1 chicken, it just gotta scare that damn elephant to death ez" - Cheesy

"no amount of chickens could ever kill an elephant. i guess you could choose like, 1 billion which would take ages and wait for the elephant to die of old age, but then the chickens didnt really kill the elephant did they?" - hdgf

"Let's say an elephant has X health, and chicken Y damage, there are E amount of chickens, then the total amount of chicken damage is EY. Therefore X/(YE) is the equation we need, for it to explode, E*Y has to be 0, therefore 0 chickens can defeat an elephant" - Inktest

"It'd take one chicken to kill Jib.. I mean an elephant. He's scared deep down." - Hayley

"1 with a rifle" - Skydiegame

"Precisely 100 alive chickens and 25 dead chickens cut in half. That last part is important. I'll tell you lat-" - Dylan

"i feel like u couldnt actually get a chicken to attack an elephant so the only way to kill it is through suffocating the elephant which means you would have to get the elephant in an enclosed room with the a bunch of chickens but at that point there are so many external factors so its not really the chickens killing the elephant and moreso the person running the experiment so ima say no amount of chickens can kill an elephant." - Jacobsfunparty

"At least 3, max of 11. If an elephant can be caused so much distress over a mouse then you'd want less chickens to bother the elephant so they'd react more." - Ranged

" it honestly depends on the strength and determination of the chickens, if you get 2 chickens that are passionate enough about their hate for elephants i’m sure they’d be able to kill one" - Swrds

"Well it depends, you could have a crazy mutant chicken that kills elephants." - Becca

"Who cares but new anime idea? Elephant makes KFC when stomping?" - Grim

"You just need 1 Elephant sized chicken" - Firerocket

"10,000" - Spur

"One.. elephants are herbivores.. when they try to eat a chicken they would choke on the feathers and chicken bones" - Kade

"I would say atleast 1, maybe its a huge chicken you never know" - Niels

"1 elephant sized chicken" - Evan

"With enough chickens, it can beat the one elephant by extinction. Otherwise.. lost cause for the chickens, unless they are Esther's" - Ping

"Maybe like 50 chickens?" - RQ

"I don’t think chickens are that strong even if there was a hoard so like 1000900009" - Anacoustic

"1, my mom has told me stories about growing up on a farm with evil and smart chickens. It'll figure out how to take the elephant down somehow" - Sapphire

"Only one if it was wearing a mouse costume." - AbixChew

We either have one chicken or we have 10000 chicken, there really is no inbetween

"Soccer, I have played since I was 6, it is and always will be soccer. American football are people in pads, wrestling and chasing after a squashed leather ball." - AbixChew

"Soccer because American football is just concussion speedrunning" - MCBYT

"Soccer, America is special." - Twix

"Kick da ball with foot. That is football" - Chaotic

"don't call it soccer, it's called fOOTBALL" - Terry

"Handball is the real way to go" - Hayley

"calling the beautiful game 'soccer'? wasteman." - hdgf

"Tabletop football, idk about that soccer bullshit, it's my childhood, tabletop games" - Inktest

" Are you asking me to choose between a sport known worldwide that is literally kicking a ball with your foot exactly like the name of the sport, or another sport only popular in one of the few countries that use fahrenheit which is mostly rugby with helmets ? The real one is football" - Shinxy

""soccer" is the real one" - Spur

"Who cares.. it is a bunch of over payed grown ass sweaty men kicking a ball around a field" - Kade

"You mean the thing that only Americans call 'football' or the thing that rest of the world calls Football? Hmmm...." - Dylan

"bro tell me why americans think a game you play mostly with your HANDS is called FOOTball. HELLO????" - Swrds

"Football is the real one... Also I'm American and America is always right." - TeamJacob

" Name wise, American. Age wise, soccer" - Sapph

"Football is definitely fake. You kick the ball for penalty shots but otherwise you do not regularly use your feet!" - Ranged

"European football, America stole that like they stole everything else" - Anacoustic

" shut the hell up. the that you kick a ball with your foot is the only right answer." - Abbie


"Soccer is the real football. American Football is rugby but with armour on" - Hallow

"american (or australian) football, soccer is soccer" - noqturns

"They are both boring, but gotta be soccer" - Skydiegame

"Even though I'm in America, "football" is always gonna be soccer" - Quick

So even Americans think soccer is named wrong, who decided this?

"am I real?…" - Hallow

"Nope, its your brain hallucinating and imagining stuff. Probably because you aren't getting enough sleep" - AbixChew

"scientifically it’s literally impossible, however i’ve heard some creepy stories from people that wouldn’t have been lying. i guess we’ll never know" - Swrds

"Even though I'm in America, "football" is always gonna be soccer" - Quick

"If I say no I'm going to get haunted, but if I say yes I'm crazy. Lots of superstition and our minds do not really do us any favors either." - Rangie

";ghost emote; - did you see that?! I dunno man looked pretty real to me. ~boo~" - Dylan

"elly's short enough to be a ghost, right? otherwise no they are not real" - Terry

"no, but ur mom is" - TeamJacob

"Yes my tv doesn’t float and turn on out of no where" - Venom

"Yes. BOO" - Hayley

"if i say no will they stop haunting me" - Ashley

"I would like to think so because I don't think that energy is ever destroyed so it's gotta go somewhere" - Lighthoused

"I've seen many, both irl and on the internet, so yeah. Also Dream's closet ghost always stalks me at night, I have a poem:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, dream's ghost gave me chlamydia and you might have too" - Inktest

"Ghosts very spooky, yes." - Twix

"Yes .. I know lots" - Kade

"They might be, but I haven't really had any experiences with anything supernatural" - Krissy

" I mean, look at your face" - Shinxy

"No its just your friendly neighbor stalker trying to get your attention" - Grim

"No" - RQ

"only while playing phasmo" - Rory

"Obviously, there are at least 4 ghost busters movies made about it"- Firerocket

"No but my nightmares are." - Boomclaw

"yes, when I dont sleep im living proof." - Niels

"Kids see ghosts sometimes" - MCBYT

"Absolutely, I make sure to punch the shower curtain when in the bathroom in case I catch it lacking" - Evan

"Yes and I have one at my house rn" - Anacoustic

"I'd love to read Ainsley's mind so I can buy her all that she wants and cuddle ;kiss; . Also .. Shinx back off rangey, I know you think of her!" - Hayley

"Its helpful.. trust me except .. it can be unsanitary if you are focused on certain people.. .Jib.. Evan... so many mommy issues" - Kade

"Hurtful, our inner monologue are unfiltered thoughts. It might cross their minds, but it might not be how they really feel. I'd rather not know at all." - AbixChew

"helpful if your heart is able to take and be prepared for anything you might hear" - Ashley

"If you're talking about telepathy, it depends whether or not you could toggle the ability on/off. In general though, probably harmful, humans are disturbing" - Chaotic

"Hurtful, don't deny I know you immediately judge a person when u meet them" - Cheesy

"Prob hurtful, people are mean :/" - Skydiegame

"Helpful. Easier in salary negotations" - Boomclaw

"Very hurtful, for everyone sanity, please you don't need to know what ranged thinks about" - Shinxy

"Both! But there’s just certain people I’d like to block if I had telepathy so I couldn’t hear their thoughts …. (Jib)" - Hallow

"It would be fascinating/helpful to know what people think about. There are some amazing thoughts that people think of and then instantly forget. I guess in some aspects it'd be hurtful too... like if you're out with a friend and they can't stop thinking about being elsewhere" - Gapplegal

"It would be hurtfully helpful. Hurtful in the fact that people will be getting smacked for their inner thoughts. By me. I'd be a super hero saving people from idiocy. You can still rob that bank though if you want." - Dylan

"i don’t know but either way i want to know" - Abbie

"it would be helpful af, you could do so well in life if you could read minds, but it would also suck bc you’d know what people actually think about you" - Swrds

"Yeah, ik shinxy is thinking about me 25/8. Just be good to confirm the facts" - Ranged

"i think this question can be compared to like levels of social awareness. if youre completely unaware of non verbal cues its really hard to function in society. if youre hyper aware it is also hard to because we often like to jump to our own conclusions. which one is worse? both are kinda bad but at least im unaware of how bad it is with not knowing so i will go with hurtful to know" - Jacobfunparty

"depends on the situation. if its helpful to know the thoughts then yea, if not then its not worth it" - Sapph

"hurtful, ignorance is bliss" - Krissy

"The truth hurts sometimes" - Anacoustic

"It would be hurtful but maybe after a while you would get used to hearing the hurtful things and then it becomes more helpful to know what people are thinking" - Becca

"as an over thinker, very helpful" - noqturns

"BOOKS! Books let your brain imagine and feel things that a movie never could. Hint you all should read more!! Its great! You have to keep that brain sharp and witty!" - AbixChew

"movies.. ya get a sore arm holding the book..." - Kade

"Depends on the order.. as long as you start with the movie the book will be better, otherwise it will disappoint u" - Ping

" movies, im dyslectic so thats self explanatory." - Niels

"I used to like books more but I don't have time to read anymore so movies." - RQ

"if you want more details, books. if you want quick story/entertainment then movies" - Sapph

"Always the books, they miss out too much in movies, but sometimes it can be nice to watch the movie of a favourite book if you are feeling too lazy to read" - Becca

"books" - Spur

"Depends, sometimes movies are messed compared to the books but sometimes the books are way too boring to read" - Anacoustic

"Neither fall asleep to both, just give me some gigantic Speakers and blast that music" - Grim

"Movies. I love books and read often but I don't have a minds eye so visual shit is always great. Opening a GoFundMe soon for minds-eye restorative surgery, watch this space." - Dylan

"Who got time for that? We got Mana!" - Skydiegame

"Books let you create the image for yourself, movies spoon-feed you it, but it really just depends." - Hallow
" they say 'a picture tells a thousand words', but some films, like Cats, are just the word 'disgusting'" - hdgf

"Movies. I can sit through a 2 hour movie I hate. I won't read my way through a book I can't stand." - Boomclaw

" i have the attention span of a toddler so movies" - Swrds

"You mean manga or anime adaptation ? both, both is good" - Shinxy

"Movies, I'm 19 and don't know how to read" - Evan

"whichever has elly in it is better - otherwise books and movies are quite even" - Terry

"depends what the series is, overall though probably books" - noqturns

"Neither, I don't know how to read and I've never seen a movie in my life. TV shows." - Lighthoused

"You can take every word from a book and put it into a movie, but you can't take every scene from a movie and put it in a book" - MCBYT


"Some books are better then the movies but then some movies are way better then the books" - Venom

"I read a lot of books but I enjoy movies more sooo.... movies- im sorrY TO THE BOOK LOVERS" - Gapplegal

"Movies, i hate books, only used for enchanting." - Twix

"Read the book first and then watch the movie. Usually the books have much better emotive language :cutehappy:" - Hayley

"movies, nobody reads in 2022" - Rory

"books unless you cant read" - Abbie

"Books duh, like I love movies yeah, however books really let you build your own characters and read the story how you'd like to. Movies sometimes do a decent job at following the books but then it'd set in your head how the director believe it should go. Rarely do authors help bring the book to life. If only reading did not take so long, I'd continue to imagine all on my own" - Ranged


Thank yall for reading and I hope you enjoyed​


Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2019
180 5
Yes! More of that please :D, always entertaining

And Hayley what the hedge, "Handball is the real way to go" °~°