Closed (Map Submission) Padded Prison - Difficulty: Easy

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Apr 18, 2020
Plot ID: -91;87
Looks like a giant white wool cube.
The map has some shortcuts and they are completely intentional. I think this map will really shine when done in challenge mode.
I hope that I have done this whole map submission thing correctly.
I might like white, yellow, orange, and black a bit TOO much.
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Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
878 13
Hello King_Fuff, I would have to give this a -1. This is for a few reasons:
The build isn't really...a build, it's just a wool box. I know that's what you were going for, but it is pretty boring and boxes are generally unattractive, unfortunately.
Secondly, there are many portions of the map (such as the crawling maze, or crawl space shortcuts) that cannot even be played, as the recommended version for parkour is 1.8.9, so all maps need to be functional in that version. In addition, the parkour isn't varied much, with the majority of the map being normal, ice, and ladder jumps.
I would also highly recommend changing the theme. A "Padded Prison" is a sensitive topic for many people and brings up an ugly history of when those with mental health problems were not treated in a humane way. While this map doesn't look much like one, I would recommend changing the theme away from that, and not trying to make the build to look more like one, please, do not try to make a realistic padded prison i know this is in small font but i really am emphasizing not to
Aside from these critiques, the sections of the map I could access did fit the difficulty, so that's good, although varying the jumps and mixing them around would be much better altogether.

Please note that I am not a staff member and I am just a Mapper and community member who likes to give feedback on map submissions to help improve others' skills :) good luck on your submission!


Forum Legend
Mar 13, 2020
1,110 14
Hi, King_Fuff. Unfortunately, I am going to rate this map a -1 for the following reasons.

1. Theme: I agree with Quinny, the theme is very bad and may be traumatizing for some people. A "Padded Prison" is a sensitive topic for many people and brings up an ugly history of when those with mental health problems were not treated in a humane way. While this map doesn't look much like one, I would recommend changing the theme away from that

2. Build: To be honest, the build is just a big wool box and there's nothing special about it. The theme you provided was ''Padded Prison'' (which is a may be a good think tbh), but this map look NOTHING like the theme at all and just looks very unattractive.

3. Parkour: The parkour is just, very confusing. In a lot of jumps, I was extremely confused and lost as I didn't know where to go. I think that you should add some signs/arrow skulls/item frames to tell people where to go. Also, please keep in mind that the version that parkour runs on is 1.8.9 and not 1.14. Crawling is not a feature on 1.8.9 so this map would be impossible to complete. I suggest adding more blocks and fun jumps to make the parkour more varied and fun.

Please keep in mind that I am not a Map judge to judge your map, and I hope that this post does not stop you from building more maps.
Good Luck! I'd like to see more maps from you in the future ;D

Apr 18, 2020
I never really though about the theme being a sensitive topic. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I will avoid any topic like this in future maps.

I will also ensure that all parkour is functional in the server's current Minecraft version in my next map. I agree that the jumps could have used a bit more variety. However, I feel the need to say that I refuse to use wrap-around jumps and head-hitters because I find them tedious and annoying overall. If there are any kinds of jumps you would like to see me put in my future maps, please let me know. I appreciate the feedback.

Thank you all for the advice and criticism on my map. I'm reluctant to delete the build because it took forever to make, but I think it would be the best course of action.

Thank you Quinny, Blororis, and Mkate91 for helping me become a better map creator.

I'm thinking my next map will be JoJo themed.
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Retired Mod+
Jul 29, 2015
312 15

This submission is being closed because the course has been deleted :)
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