Rejected map submission:

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
18 2
Hello! Im here to give my opinions on your map! Just know that these are my own opinions and it has no affect on the final decision!

1-Originality || There are many, moon maps on the manacube server. So sadly, this map is unoriginal. You have to have a solid concept that no one else on the whole server has. Even on the insane maps!

2-Build || The build isn't great. There isn't much variety and it looks very "blocky" and falls flat to what the moon actually looks like. You could vary the blocks by using stone, and cobblestone. Instead of just using endstone to build the whole thing.

3-Parkour || I think the parkour is the main problem. The parkour is only one type of block. Endstone. You could switch it up by adding vines, water, pistons, pots, fences, and so much more. Make is interesting!

All in all, good job building this map. I sadly don't think it will get accepted but keep trying! I believe in you! This was not meant to hurt your feelings in any way! Just a heads up!
May 19, 2020
thanks, it probably wont get accepted i just felt like trying, but thanks for the advice, will make sure to spend 2 hours looking through all the maps next time :)


Forum Master
Oct 23, 2019
617 31
Hey there, before going ahead with your map submission review I'd like to inform you that I'm only giving you my personal opinion/feedback on your parkour map submission and my personal feedback will certainly not affect your parkour map submission in the slightest, I recommend that you take in my feedback to improve your submission if there are any flaws, you don't need to and you're free to ignore me but anyhow, before going ahead I'd like to mention that I'm a Moderator not a Map Judge so this is just my personal opinion and I am not accepting or denying your parkour map as this is only my personal opinion.

Parkour theme/detail: So for the theme, unfortunately as Dancyspoon mentioned your theme sadly is not original which lowers your acceptance rate, you can always change the theme up a bit if you feel determined. For the detail, you've got a pretty basic design and I highly recommend that you add more detail to your theme! Possibly different type of blocks :D

Parkour variety/difficulty: Your parkour for an easy map sadly is quite too easy, I suggest adding some more jumps and some interesting parkour variety, slime blocks, fence, cobblestone wall, flower pot jumps, head hitters, bed/chest jumps, etc.

Good luck!


Forum Expert
QA Team
QA Team
Dec 5, 2015
352 6
Hello LemonPlayzz,

Unfortunately, I will be rejecting your map for the following reasons:

The theme for your map is unoriginal, check responses above on why

The build for your map is not really detailed, although it is a good start that could be improved.

The parkour for your map was not really varied and pretty easy for an easy map, the only blocks used were end stone which made the map look really boring when testing it.

Don't let any of this discourage you; instead; use it as feedback and advice to make your map even better!

If you have any questions regarding your map or submissions in general, please contact me on Discord, my name is fau#1734, or start a conversation with me on the forums.

Thanks for submitting a map and I hope to see more maps from you in the future!
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