Build: Personally, I don't think the build is very good. For starters, it's quite an unoriginal build as our map "Olympics" also features the Olympic rings in a similar manner. Furthermore, it definitely looks messy, if that was what you were going for. It's just a bunch identically shaped differently colored rings floating all around, it does not look neat or attractive. Also, other issues include the mini rings at the sides seeming like an afterthought and all of the floating parkour.
Parkour: The parkour was fitting for the hard difficulty even if it was a little longer and easier than we'd like. But, I felt that the parkour itself was quite unenjoyable to do at times due to the repeated use of some jumps/blocks. For example, the beginning of the map (the wall bit) was a lot of the same and then throughout the map, you used a lot of ladders and pane jumps. Don't get me wrong, there was good variation here and there but you really need to take it to the next level.
I hope you take these criticisms into consideration when submitting maps in the future, good luck!