MineVast Survival | VileChamps Faction Base Tour!


Dedicated Member
Sep 21, 2016
94 7
Hey Minevastians (not sure what to call you guys) me and SolarCreeper123 have been working on the survival server and have been making our base! I would like to show you guys what it looks like, I think its pretty cool.
This is a Pic of Our Base from the outside
These are two good pictures of the inside of the base with the Enchantment area on the left (level 30 enchantments) with the chest area when you first walk in on the right.
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When you first walk down the hallway when you walk in you have the nether portal, the smeltery, the blaze grinder, the Zombie grinder, and the staircase to the mineshaft.
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When you go up the staircase (which is located by the chest area when you first get in the base) you find yourself at the VileChamps warehouse!
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That is the Vilechamps base I hope you like it! It took about 10 hrs before we got our first beacon (because we raided it from an unclaimed base), and the same with the blazes!
Make sure to check out the Survival server (1.9+ Only Sadly ;( ) But yeah, its really fun!

Base made by PolarisStar and SolarCreeper123
No Rights Reserved :p