

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Your Username:
ItzNot_AIi (Qavoc)

Date and Server:
8/02/2017, 6:25 PM

Why you were punished
Stealing a Iron Golem Spawner

Have you been banned on Manacube before?
This is my second time.

Why should you be unbanned or unmuted?:
I honestly don't, think i should of been banned for taking a friend's Iron Golem Spawner. I've informed complete_control right after the 7 day ban that we were using it, not keeping it. He said i should of asked, but honestly i thought he would say no. so i took it without his permission, and ended up handing out 19 double chests of iron ingots to the people. Mainly his producing 3 double chests and my 3 producing 16 double chests. I knew i would get banned for such an action, but i still did it. I later made my friend AM4THYST return the spawner helping NStar help find the Iron Golem Spawner and give it back to the rightful owner.

I broke my friendship with complete_control, i understand it. I made AM4THYST also give him 2 spawners, trying to repair the trust. (Creeper & Pig). It's been my second time being banned, nevertheless i believe my ban should be cut shorter than 7 days, more as 2 days. It appears i never learned a single thing from my previous ban because it was so short, but earning a week's ban has woken me up. I have nothing else to do but play ManaCube Survival. All i can do at the moment is pray that my friend trusts me again, i've never done this and i understand why the punishment was so brutal, taking the Igs wasn't for peronsal intentions.

If i ever do get unbanned, I'd like to repair the broken friendship and work with have i have instead of griefing others again and receiving another ban, at least thats what i've learned now.

Any evidence to support your appeal:
You need to post it in here: