My thoughts of ManaPvP season 11

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Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2020
79 15
About ManaRay
xDacon can make ManaRay sound like a solution to climate change, covid 19 and of course blockglitching, but actually it is not that great. :(


None of these claims are special compared to any other paid anticheat.

What makes Manaray ACTUALLY special?
-Block glitching.
-False bans.
-6 Movement checks are not enough to detect most advanced movement hacks.
-Ac disabler found easily.
-Tested with outdated blatant clients.

Arena warps
Really nice addition to this season.
Certainly shows the effort that has been put on ManaPVP.

Koth and second koth location
Second koth location really nice addition.
Cumulative cap time is surely one of the best changes in this season, really epico.

Last player standing event
Really good idea but really needs some changes.
-Change kit fight to kit legendary
-10 Second protection before you can start fighting others (so there would be time to gear up)
-Rewards looks fair but money should be changed to mana.

Revamped map
Maybe not the best looking but most of the changes are great
Void got removed :)
Ocean changed to glass :)
Lily pads replaced with stone :)
Too many slabs and stairs got removed which can make kiting/running frustrating. :(

All of you should know how difficult it is to acquire mana, but why not to:
-Increase every kit price to the moon so new players would have no change to drop down in any other gear than kit fight.
-Add mana cost to repairing.

Why do I think that these mana updates are bad?
After reaching 1000 killstreak you will stop getting mana which makes it almost impossible to fix gear by yourself.
Last kit season it was really competitive to grind for killstreak leaderboards or hold your place, that was one of the main reasons why this server
was really competitive and exciting. Sadly going for over 1000 killstreak is not worth it anymore.
Whose idea was to increase the price of kits?
Most of the players has always been purchasing money pouches instead of overpriced kits.
In my opinion you should have decreased the price of kits instead of increasing.
Also Hourly mana fairy should give at least 100 mana.

Have a nice day,
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
38 7
I highly agree. It's only been 2 days so hopefully some of these changes are implemented.


Admin | Software Engineer
Oct 2, 2020
75 15
It's a brand new anti-cheat, it won't be perfect straight away. It's only been live for 2 days now and many improvements have been made and are still being made. In terms of the false bans claim, this is simply not true. Whilst anti-cheats do have false bans, all of the bans that have been in actual combat so far and or under regular circumstances have been accurate. Our anti-cheat also does no sort of block glitching. I actually avoid doing this kind of thing as it's better to ban them. I do appreciate the criticism and am working to improve the anti-cheat as fast as I can and with more time it can only improve which will result in more bans and a happier player-base.

Good post, I hope I can meet your expectations in the future.


Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2020
79 15
It's a brand new anti-cheat, it won't be perfect straight away. It's only been live for 2 days now and many improvements have been made and are still being made. In terms of the false bans claim, this is simply not true. Whilst anti-cheats do have false bans, all of the bans that have been in actual combat so far and or under regular circumstances have been accurate. Our anti-cheat also does no sort of block glitching. I actually avoid doing this kind of thing as it's better to ban them. I do appreciate the criticism and am working to improve the anti-cheat as fast as I can and with more time it can only improve which will result in more bans and a happier player-base.

Good post, I hope I can meet your expectations in the future.
Youre dev so may i ask why is manapvp hiding TPS


Admin | Software Engineer
Oct 2, 2020
75 15
Youre dev so may i ask why is manapvp hiding TPS
Our server tps is not spoofed, albeit you most likely won't believe that since you said this. If you're using a mod to try to tell the real TPS via packets I'm not sure if it would work with the jar we use, although I haven't tested this personally so I can't be for certain. If you think the TPS is extremely low, that would be noticeable in-game. There are mods that will attempt to determine real time tps if you need it


Active Member
Dec 10, 2020
28 6
It's a brand new anti-cheat, it won't be perfect straight away. It's only been live for 2 days now and many improvements have been made and are still being made. In terms of the false bans claim, this is simply not true. Whilst anti-cheats do have false bans, all of the bans that have been in actual combat so far and or under regular circumstances have been accurate. Our anti-cheat also does no sort of block glitching. I actually avoid doing this kind of thing as it's better to ban them. I do appreciate the criticism and am working to improve the anti-cheat as fast as I can and with more time it can only improve which will result in more bans and a happier player-base.

Good post, I hope I can meet your expectations in the future.
This is literally the dumbest thing I think I have ever read. Of course its gonna false ban when the server tps is bleeding out as well as the lag that comes from the initial 400 players. Mana can barely handle 4 rows. You guys act as if everything is perfect and can't take a no or suggestions. I was completely false banned idc what your logs say, I literally have never cheated. Take some sense into you're head review your anticheat, and make the right fixes. Why would a known player myself use BLATANT cheats on my favorite server. Take this into consideration


Admin | Software Engineer
Oct 2, 2020
75 15
This is literally the dumbest thing I think I have ever read. Of course its gonna false ban when the server tps is bleeding out as well as the lag that comes from the initial 400 players. Mana can barely handle 4 rows. You guys act as if everything is perfect and can't take a no or suggestions. I was completely false banned idc what your logs say, I literally have never cheated. Take some sense into you're head review your anticheat, and make the right fixes. Why would a known player myself use BLATANT cheats on my favorite server. Take this into consideration
The same thing can also be said about what you are saying, known players aren't not known to not cheat. Time has proven again and again that people can and will cheat, with a rank, without a rank or with a lot of time or popularity. I appreciate the feedback and only time will prove that our anti-cheat will not false ban with a low TPS, TPS is one of the easier things to actually fix lag wise since it runs at a constant 50ms per tick, meaning it's easy to determine if even a single tick has a spike. I have prior experience of working on an anti-cheat with over 500 players on single servers, so I'm sure that gives enough validity to what I'm saying. I do not want to start an argument so I will not reply anymore, however I am and will be hard at work.


Dedicated Member
Sep 14, 2020
79 15
The same thing can also be said about what you are saying, known players aren't not known to not cheat. Time has proven again and again that people can and will cheat, with a rank, without a rank or with a lot of time or popularity. I appreciate the feedback and only time will prove that our anti-cheat will not false ban with a low TPS, TPS is one of the easier things to actually fix lag wise since it runs at a constant 50ms per tick, meaning it's easy to determine if even a single tick has a spike. I have prior experience of working on an anti-cheat with over 500 players on single servers, so I'm sure that gives enough validity to what I'm saying. I do not want to start an argument so I will not reply anymore, however I am and will be hard at work.
Hear me out, CullanP.
You are saying that you have experience of working on anticheats but, have you tested the anticheats extensively? I don't think so...
Also I know for a fact that you can only configurate NCP, but you do it so shit that half of the movement is blocked and also it causes legit players to get glitched in blocks.
I don't think it's a good sing that you started to sound like SunsetMagic who used to ignore all the problems and said that everything is perfect.
Also you are the main reason why the biggest Squad left this server.


Admin | Software Engineer
Oct 2, 2020
75 15
Hear me out, CullanP.
You are saying that you have experience of working on anticheats but, have you tested the anticheats extensively? I don't think so...
Also I know for a fact that you can only configurate NCP, but you do it so shit that half of the movement is blocked and also it causes legit players to get glitched in blocks.
I don't think it's a good sing that you started to sound like SunsetMagic who used to ignore all the problems and said that everything is perfect.
Also you are the main reason why the biggest Squad left this server.
Most of these points were discussed in my previous post, given enough time it will improve, this is a bad take on something that is still brand new. I appreciate the feedback though



Active Member
Dec 10, 2020
28 6
Another classic case of a ban-evading hacker bashing the anticheat

Based on your comments it seems you literally have 0 knowledge on anything server related
I believe that aleksi does have a good knowledge of the server and the history and it seems that he may have more than staff who do this fulltime and work here. Aleksi understands things and can understand when something is broken and needs a fix. All the staff team has been doing is delaying fixes and appeals and saying the server is perfect. lets be real kitpvp is the last sub server where work would be unrequired. There needs to be more dedicated staff and people with a better understanding that should monitor kitpvp and keep an eye on it. It is not shown enough respect to than all of the other sub servers. Maybe bashing the anticheat is required in this sense he did configurate something that completely bypasses the anticheat in no less than a day. its come to me that staff does as little as required to pass on kitpvp. When I was anticheated there were countless jokes and lies told to staff about it. for example one of buddies Cibr had told me that he made up some bs and a hoax saying something about me being misplaced and 5.5ing which he completely made up on the spot and CullanP agreed with him even though what he said was completely false. What im saying is there needs to be more dedication to the server and a little bit more respect to the player base. Thank you for reading and giving your time to this post.


Jul 4, 2014
4,780 83
I believe that aleksi does have a good knowledge of the server and the history and it seems that he may have more than staff who do this fulltime and work here. Aleksi understands things and can understand when something is broken and needs a fix. All the staff team has been doing is delaying fixes and appeals and saying the server is perfect. lets be real kitpvp is the last sub server where work would be unrequired. There needs to be more dedicated staff and people with a better understanding that should monitor kitpvp and keep an eye on it. It is not shown enough respect to than all of the other sub servers. Maybe bashing the anticheat is required in this sense he did configurate something that completely bypasses the anticheat in no less than a day. its come to me that staff does as little as required to pass on kitpvp. When I was anticheated there were countless jokes and lies told to staff about it. for example one of buddies Cibr had told me that he made up some bs and a hoax saying something about me being misplaced and 5.5ing which he completely made up on the spot and CullanP agreed with him even though what he said was completely false. What im saying is there needs to be more dedication to the server and a little bit more respect to the player base. Thank you for reading and giving your time to this post.
You are also a hacker who's been banned by the anticheat for misplace + reach, and you want respect?
lmfao L


Active Member
Dec 10, 2020
28 6
You are also a hacker who's been banned by the anticheat for misplace + reach, and you want respect?
lmfao L
this is exactly what im talkin bout u guys think everything is perfect why tf would i 5.5 like i get suspecting me of closet cheating but 5.5 something is wrong pay attention to your server.
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