Rejected Nether Parkour by BrntoChsbrgr

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Forum Expert
QA Team
QA Team
Dec 5, 2015
352 6
Hello BrntoChsbrgr,

Unfortunately, I will be rejecting your map for the following reasons:

The theme for your map is unoriginal due to the amount of biomes maps that have been added.

The build for your map is not detailed, nor it resembles its theme much, apart from the usage of blocks (such as nether brick and netherrack).

The parkour for your map was not good either, it was messy meaning I didn't know where I had to go and the jumps at the start seemed like they were randomly placed. The difficulty you have chosen for your map does not match with the jumps you have created either, as it was too easy for a medium map.

Don't let any of this discourage you; instead; use it as feedback and advice to make your map even better!

If you have any questions regarding your map or submissions in general, please contact me on Discord, my name is fau#1734, or start a conversation with me on the forums.

Thanks for submitting a map and I hope to see more maps from you in the future!
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